OFIS Notes from 10 June, 2010
Past CS tasks
- Daniel: looking at personal_profile etc.
- Vu: RTF / html input cleanup to fix RTF export.
- Jack: error-chasing with Marlon re: LDAP lookup heisenbug (affecting a prof delegating to a co-op student).
- Daniel: didn't copy over personal_profile webpages b/c there are other changes that involve table changes (errors -> error)
- will check back with Marlon and Jack after Marlon gets back.
- continuing to get OFIS ready for CS research book.
- Question for Jack: menus in prod are messed up: lost "Awards" in dev, and gained "Code Scratch" in prod (with his subdir). did he overload a menu_id?...
- Beth: new associate dean in a few months, but she is continuing as prof involved with OFIS.
- we're changing meeting-rooms in two weeks: Management Sciences rm. 3623 possibly? Where we met last month.
- Engr. is switching to Connect in the fall, at instruction of Dean and chairs. (currently have 65 email servers for researchers.)
- timing: IST switching from Exchange2007 to 2010 in October. Probably most will wait until after.
- 2010 will allow non-IE access to web interface.
- on IE troubles: campus is locked into IE7 because of onbase; waiting for next version. unclear that campus is renewing onbase license?...
Upcoming Tasks:
- Daniel will talk to Marlon/Jack about moving personal_profile change to production (with their changes)
- Daniel will fix CS Research Book code for order of display
- Meet w/Colin & Alan in a few weeks
-- DanielAllen - 10 Jun 2010