Data and Disk Recovery Services
NOTE - if you are a company that provides data recovery services listed in this TWIKI page please feel free to send updates - information is this page may be several years old and is only updated when one of our staff uses a service
Contacts Verified (We have used their services)
Verified 20 Sept 2011
Verified 2023-11-05
Local Data recover services in Waterloo
Verified 2015
- Web site:
- Contact: Hongyu Zhang
- Tel: 226-6669657
- Fax: 226-6669657
- Email:
- Speciality: Hard drives and electronic media recovery ( Usb flash, Flash SSD drives, etc) - including raid arrays.
- Summy from web site:
- "Employing state-of-the-art proprietary techniques while offering the ultimate customer service experience, Data Care Clinic located in Waterloo, Ontario is committed to provide in house top quality, quick, secure, effective, trusted data recovery, file rescue, encryption/decryption, and device certification services from a wide array of affected media at a cost people can afford with a fast turnaround time, complete and reliable recovery to optimize the chances of a successful data recovery so that people can benefit from."
- Data Care Clinic can work with any storage devices, any file systems and any raid levels. Data Care Clinic can recover data from remote cloud and remote servers.
- Data Care Clinic can repair and rescue corrupted files.
- Data Care Clinic can certify, secure wipe and fine tune/optimize your storage devices.
- Data Care Clinic provides clients the option to decline data recovery in the case of recovered data is less than 99.9%.
- Data Care Clinic has the capability for two-way real-time communications anytime and anywhere; it can collaborate with its customers worldwide.
Manufacturer Data Recovers links
Verified 3 May 2016
Verified 20 Sept 2011
Contacts Unverified
File and Directory Recovery software tools for Linux
- These tools work with journaled file systems to recover deleted files and directories - as long as the the information is still in the journal
- Say you do an rm -rf in the wrong directory you may be in luck - just remember to remount the filesystem read only soon afterwards
- standard Ubuntu package
- Main documentation
- Other examples
- Based on extundelete - muct be compiled from sources
- Main documentation
- Other examples
Recovery software tools for Windows
Notes the goal is to find a good data recovery program that can handle
NTFS and FAT32 with damaged partitions. We started with yahoo searches for
+"recover deleted partition"
+"deleted partition" +mbr +windows +recover
Notes about recovering deleted files
* Under
NTFS file spaces gets reclaimed almost immediately after a file is deleted under FAT 32 the spaces may not get reused until much later on.
It is vital that attempts at recovery of files occur as soon as possible after being deleted
Programs for recovering deleted files - Windows
Programs for recovering data from Damaged Partitions - Windows
Restorer 2000
- Can scan for deleted directories files or partitions
- Works under windows and does not change to the source disk.
- All files are copied to a spare disk that you must have on hand.
- There are options to pick files that have - or have not - been deleted
Notes If the partitions or directories are damaged it will find many potential partition fragments on a full disk scan - it does pattern matching. If the user has some knowledge of the original partition sizes this step is easy; otherwise you can just try the most likely partitions and see what it finds (this proved quit easy) Results: A full disk scan of a 40G drive took about 20minutes..
Active Partition Recover
Notes this program was able to restore the partitions but the data Could not be read in windows - only in DOS (this was either a bug or an Incomplete recovery). At least the software allowed an UNDO of all changes.
- TestDisk
is OpenSource software and is licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL).
Partition recovery software tools for Linux and windows
Verified 14 Nov 2012
- Testdisk is a powerful free data recovery utility!
- Summary
- It was primarily designed to help recover lost partitions and/or make non-booting disks bootable again when these symptoms are caused by faulty software, certain types of viruses or human error (such as accidentally erasing your Partition Table). Partition table recovery using TestDisk is really easy.
* lost partitions for all of these file systems:
* BeFS ( BeOS )
* BSD disklabel ( FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD )
* CramFS, Compressed File System
* DOS/Windows FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32
* HFS and HFS+, Hierarchical File System
* JFS, IBM's Journaled File System
* Linux Ext2 and Ext3
* Linux Raid
o RAID 1: mirroring
o RAID 4: striped array with parity device
o RAID 5: striped array with distributed parity information
o RAID 6: striped array with distributed dual redundancy information
* Linux Swap (versions 1 and 2)
* LVM and LVM2, Linux Logical Volume Manager
* Mac partition map
* Novell Storage Services NSS
* NTFS ( Windows NT/2K/XP/2003 )
* ReiserFS 3.5, 3.6 and 4
* Sun Solaris i386 disklabel
* Unix File System UFS and UFS2 (Sun/BSD/...)
* XFS, SGI's Journaled File System
* MBR Testdisk can be used to repair a broken MBR for Windows
Disk Cloning with bad blocks
Verified 14 Nov 2012
- Allows creating disk file images - even if they have errors!
- Can pipe output to a remote process like ssh
- Wrapper script to invoke dd_rescue to copy a block device to an image file on a remote host
- mkimg_remote
Usage: ./mkimg_remote block_device userid@host directory errors
Wrapper for dd_rescue.
A program that will use dd to create an image of a disk even if there are errors
For Details see:
block_device - is a BLOCK device name of the disk to image into a file
ie. /dev/sda
userid@host - is the remote userid and hostname to send the image to
directory - is the remote directory to put files in
ie. /images2/hostname
errors - is the number of errors to try before giving up, 0 = infinite
If the block_device is called /dev/sda
Then we would create sda.img and sda.log in the current directory
Note: IGNORE the illegal seek warning - this is due to the SSH connection
Verified 14 Nov 2012
- GNU ddrescue is a data recovery tool. It copies data from one file or block device (hard disc, cdrom, etc) to another, trying hard to rescue data in case of read errors.
- Similar to *dd_rescue but does not pipe the output*
- Examples:
- ddrescue -r 100 /dev/sdg sdg sdg.log
- read an entier disk /dev/sdg and write it to sdg - keep progress log in sdg.log only use 100 retries
RAID Tools and documentation
Documentation on RAID
Verified 14 Nov 2012
Verified 14 Nov 2012
- Tools allows you to create a raid image volume from the component image files for RAID 5 and RAID 4
- Example: raidrec 5 4 left sync 65536 dks0d114s7.img dks0d115s7.img dks0d116s7.img dks0d117s7.img none >DISK118
- Latest Source
- Articles:
Verified 14 Nov 2012
- Commercial software
- Runs under Linux, Windows and Mac OS
- UFS Explorer are designed for logical data recovery from a vast variety of devices and file systems. Over the years of successful work in software development the company has accumulated considerable experience in analysis of data storage systems of any complexity. UFS Explorer products comprise data recovery algorithms that substantially take account of data distribution on different file systems. Due to unique data recovery techniques such as high grade of storage specifics accounting and IntelliRAW the software allows to achieve maximum possible recovery result from most data loss cases.
- Key points: create a raid volume from disk image files and access the data NTFS, FAT, HFS+, Ext2-Ext4, XFS, ReiserFS, JFS, UFS etc
ReclaiMe Free RAID Recovery
Verified 14 Nov 2012
Runtime Software Data Recovery tools
Verified 14 Nov 2012
- Commercial Software
- RAID Reconstructor
- Recover data from a broken RAID Level 5 or 0 Array. RAID Reconstructor is not only a "destriper" but an "analyzer" as well.
- RAID Recovery Windows
- Recover data from broken Windows RAIDs. Supports hardware and software RAIDs, RAID-0, and RAID-5.
- NAS Data Recovery
- Recover data from your broken Network Attached Storage device (NAS). Supports single-drive, RAID-0, RAID-1, and RAID-5.
- Captain Nemo Pro
- Mount any Novell, NTFS, EXT2FS/EXT3FS, or XFS drive or image from your Windows computer without requiring a network setup.
- GetDataBack
- Do-it-yourself Data Recovery Software. GetDataBack is more than an undelete or file recovery program or a system restore.
- Free Download for NTFS FAT
File System Documents
XFS Documentation
Verified 14 Nov 2012