05 Jul 2012

Infrastructure Group Meeting.

Attendance: Adrian, Clayton, Dave, Dan, Guoxiang, Phil

Dates of Interest

Last day of lectures for this term is: July 25 spring term; Aug. 10 summer session

Last day of exams for this term is: Aug. 10 spring term; Aug. 13 summer session

Solaris Removed from Internet by Aug 1

Move fe*-solaris systems to 10. private IP space ASAP (Dave to ask Lawrence when)

Mail Services move to Linux

working combined imap/smtp ubuntu 12.04 replacement for mail.cs

pop (being eliminated)


imap.cs runing dovecot applicatiospace n POC working

smtp auth

smtp.cs running sendmail

mx (mail exhangers)

Samba Service move to Linux

DNS server change (old dns.cscf.uwaterloo.ca)

Neoware stations being replaced by Nettops

Nettops need a more obvious (visible) user interface to WTS services.

WatsUp Monitoring Service

Create ST to have host/service added to WatsUp

Upgrading to Ubuntu1204

New naming scheme

All general use hosts in any region will be named ubuntu1204-XYY

Cloud Systems

129.97.152.X decommissioning

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