x2gen017v1.TIB NOTES
- Location: \\asimov.cscf.uwaterloo.ca\IMAGES\core (being created)
- Created March 2012
- Using Acronis Disk Backup and Recovery 10, NOT version 11 and NOT ghost
- 64-bit Windows 7 Enterprise (IST) / 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- Passwords: Fall 2011
System Requirements
- must have 64-bit support in the CPU, including PAE (Physical Address Extension)
- RAM: 1GB+ (2 or more recommended)
- recommended dual-core +
Partitioning Scheme, Main hard drive (based on 600gig hd)
- 100meg MS system Partition
- C Drive: 250gig, NTFS
- D drive: 50gig, NTFS
- sda5: 250gig, ext4
- sda6: 16gig, swap (2 x ram)
Partitioning Scheme, Second hard drive
Boot Loader
- MS boot loader to choose Win7 or Ubuntu
- If you choose Ubuntu, GRUB 2 is initiated, GRUB2 is installed on linux main partition.
Windows Driver Search redirection (magore)
- Create a driver directory called c:\drivers and put all your drivers there
- Modify the registry key
and append the string below - be sure to include the ;
Installed Windows 7 Apps
- MS boot loader
- EasyBCD 2.1.2
- Office 10 (IST)x64
- Open Office 3.3.0
- Symantec Antivirus (IST)
- MS Home Security Essentials
- Thunderbird 10.02
- Firefox 10.02
- 7-Zip x64bit 9.2
- Ghostgum/ghostscript x64bit 9.05/5.0
- Adobe Reader X, Flash, Shockwave
- Leno Thinkvantage system update
- Sun Java
- MS Live
- VLC v2.0.0
- GIMP v2.6.12
- Smartmontools 5.42-1
- Matlab x64 2010A
- Areca 7.2.5 x32
- Printers setup using cups
- Remote Desktop enabled on master image
Installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- GRUB 2 installed on /, not in MBR. Use manual partition creation to redirect GRUB installation to /
- host name fully qualified in /etc/hosts & /etc/hostname files
- domain search fix
must contain the line
option domain-search code 119 = string;
The line should be adjacent to the other option specifications in the file.
Problems found
- MG - problems with Intel drivers - Mike to fill in details
- PB - noticed that there is a guest account activated - needs to be de-activated
- DB - To de- activate add "allow-guest=false" to the end of /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
- DB - Gordon noticed that there is no option for a user not listed to login (maybe that is what we want, makes deployment of AD machines difficult though)
- Add the following line to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
- DB - GRUB Update breaks boot
- During GRUB's update process a debconf wizard appears, answer as follows: Select "show differences side by side -> Forward -> Forward -> Check the box (Continue without installing) -> Forward
- After GRUB updates the following command may need to be run:
sudo grub-install -f /dev/sda5
(currently I do not know of a way of telling if it actually does, If you are feeling adventurous try not running it, if not I would advise running it anyway (just to be safe)) NOTE: Make sure that / is on /dev/sda5 (try df to check) if not, change accordingly
- If already rebooted, run the following at the GRUB boot prompt (
kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-23-generic root=/dev/sda5
- Then run
sudo grub-install -f /dev/sda5
and reboot
- DB - Hostname is not fully qualified in /etc/hostname (only the machine name is there) same with /etc/hosts
Requests for additions / changes
- Backup feature still needs to be added (Lucky Backup? Areca?)
- SNMP query for both OSes?
- default to include Menus in Unity
- MikTeX, Matlab?, Maple?
- Asus Zenbook Drivers (Located in \\asimov.uwaterloo.ca\images\core\asus_zenbook-drivers) I believe they are all there - dkbellin