The KVM is on VLAN7 and as such resides in Zone 5. It already has an entry in the address book on the NetScreens. New scspc's are typically in Zone 4.
Right now, the easiest way to accomplish this is to create a new address book entry for the PC you want to have access, then add a policy in the "From Zone 4 to Zone 5" list allowing VNC through to dbkvm1. Later, we might want to create address book entries for each PC, and then add them to a group, with the group being granted access instead.
Or perhaps just allow the world to VNC to the KVM, and use the KVM's internal firewall / access policies to restrict access.
-- MikePatterson - 14 Mar 2006
According to ONA, the KVM is located in DC 3312.
Administrative access: see password box, for dbkvm1. There are currently no other users set.
The KVM is currently connected to nardo, cleo, and nugget on ports 1,2, and 3.
VNC to with the admin password (or a user-password if they are set); hit ctrl three times to change the KVM host or f7 twice to see the main menu.
-- DanielAllen - 21 Aug 2009