OFIS Notes from 6 January, 2011
Past Tasks
- Not done:
- ask faculty members: display on web?
- process for improving CS teaching roster data to include faculty userid?
- published book has (accepted) date?
Marlon: demoed Research display cleanup including grants without a faculty member as PI. Looks good. discussion of "XX" appearing in first-name field in the old system (which will just be used for next few months). But Marlon will import removing the "XX" which appears to be a consistent placeholder in Office of Research data.
Vu: Michael, new co-op, will work on ERD for db; and prototyping postgres conversion (for one area, like contributions). What else?
Colin: demoed redmine as revision-control frontend (works with svn, git, hg; suggested hg with tortisehg for windows users). He will install a copy for our use.
- suggested if we want to connect with sharepoint, use API over soap rather than odbc. will be looking into details for OFIS.
- Maybe Micheal can work on the api for ofis?
- bug in Research Keywords: if there's no record, will still present old interface; leads to error when saving data on edit. Will look at fixing for next week.
- Delegating edits to a staff member works well, yay.
- However, people want to change their displayed name. I am editing the OFIS data to match, which is short-term solution, since it will be overwritten!
- after we build an ERD, we can work on revamping "person" table, and can include user-editable "friendly name".
- marlin reimporting person table next week.
- Daniel's prof report this week: adding contributions is clunky: changing type of contribution wipes out data?
- long discussion of methods to fix; Vu will revert to previous style of multi-page contribution-adding. It will only allow the type to change at first step.
- do we want to provide text samples for all types, also in engineering and other faculties? Looks like big amount of work; not going to approach it now.
Future Tasks
- Daniel:
- fix research keywords
- Marlon will say when he's reimporting the Faculty_member table; re-load my changed names.
- survey a few faculty members: display on web?
- ask OFIS crew: why published book has (accepted) date?
-- DanielAllen - 06 Jan 2011