Installing smalltalk.cs, 21 June 2004

Solaris 9 04/04 - Solaris 8 was already installed - told installer to go ahead and partitiona disk. Made a 2048MB swap slice and said it could place it at the start of the disk, so c0t0d0s1 is swap.

GUI installer. Gave it networking setup, timezone.

Chose custom install, POSIX (C) as default environment.

At that point, it started prompting for CDs which I apparently did not have ("This disc does not contain Solaris Web Start packages", something like that). sigh.

  • Boot from software1
  • "Text" based installer
  • Chose entire install + OEM support

Laid out disk as follows:

/ 4000MB
/var 6000MB
/fsys1 66314MB

Boot 'er up First problem: no /etc/resolv.conf - create that.

Still can't resolve hostnames. Change /etc/nsswitch.conf to use "dns files" rather than default "files dns"

Tweak /etc/default/login to allow root from other than console. Damn, can't ssh in as root. smile Fix up /.rhosts and now we can.

smalltalk# mkdir /fsys1/u1
smalltalk# ln -s /fsys1/u1 /u
smalltalk# ln -s /fsys1/u1 /u1
smalltalk# mkdir /vendor
smalltalk# mkdir /xhbin
smalltalk# mkdir /fsys1/.software
smalltalk# cd /fsys1/.software
smalltalk# mkdir {admin,arch,local,regional,share,spool}
smalltalk# mkdir /.software
smalltalk# cd /.software
smalltalk# ln -s /fsys1/.software/* .
smalltalk# ln -s /.software/share /software

Make appropriate entries on capo and sun590 and:

sun590# xh-first-time -v smalltalk.cs

Make changes on cscf.cs and:

cscf.cs# xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs xhier
{sun590,cscf.cs} xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs rcs
smalltalk# cd /.software/local/xhier/config/local/

RCS xhier_maintainer

{sun590, cscf.cs} xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs sunos5

I found out I should be doing cscf.cs first, rather than sun590. Jason went so far as to recommend just editing the local-requests file on smalltalk, then running xh-dist-maintenance on both cscf and sun590. But I started down this road, so I'll go to the end of it with at least sunos5 and its dependencies. I did lots of faffing about to make xh-local-maintenance run cleanly.

cscf# xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs sendmail-8.12 : it asked for cyrus-sasl-1.5.24 as well and complained that not everything was there yet.

sun590# xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs sendmail : then go back to cscf and re-dist sendmail-8.12.

smalltalk# xh-install sendmail-8.12 : lots of goo, including some whingeing about ssl certs

sun590# xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs sslCerts-1
smalltalk# xh-local-maintenance * 2

and now it doesn't whine (much) - mostly about excluding cyrus-sasl stuff.

But we have no manpages for xhier-things (sunos5-config)! dist2 man from sun590 and pattern_dev, mfcf-misc, man from cscf.cs.

smalltalk# uw.patch_install : Hm, that only took a couple of minutes... I guess it's a fairly recent release of Sol9 that I put on.

sun590# xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs gcc
cscf# xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs gcc-3.3 gcc-3.3_runtime
smalltalk# xh-local-maintenance
(and it was ok)
sun590# xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs ssh
cscf# xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs zlib-1.1.4_runtime openssl-0.9.7_runtime \
sun590# xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs gnu
cscf# xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs gnu
sun590# xh-dist2 smalltalk.cs security
smalltalk# useradd -D -b /u group=other,1  project=default,3 \
basedir=/u skel=/etc/skel  shell=/bin/sh  inactive=0  \
expire=  auths=  profiles=  roles=
and now useradd will use /u as the base home directory.

Fix up suw, adduser mpatters, suw Create mpatters, and shazam. dist top from sun590 and cscf.

Problem: can't ssh in as root from cscf.cs without a password. :~( Even tried copying cscf.cs's ssh config. Oh, that's ok, it doesn't work anywhere else we use ssh 3.7.1 either.

24 June

whoops, no swap slice, dumbass. kill all xhier processes.

smalltalk# cd /fsys1
smalltalk# mkdir /tempfsys1
smalltalk# mv .software /tempfsys1
 mv: .software/local/sendmail-8.12/data/local/milter-greylist.sock: unknown
 file type 0xc000
  (but ok otherwise)
smalltalk# mv u1 /tempfsys1/

now fsys1 is empty, once we rm -r .software to get rid of the hangover of sendmail greylist socket

format, change partitions so they're like this:

partition> print
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 38307 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders         Size            Blocks
  0       root    wm       0 -  2007        3.91GB    (2008/0/0)    8192640
  1        var    wm    2008 -  5019        5.86GB    (3012/0/0)   12288960
  2     backup    wm       0 - 38306       74.53GB    (38307/0/0) 156292560
  3 unassigned    wm    5020 - 37303       62.81GB    (32284/0/0) 131718720
  4       swap    wm   37304 - 38306        1.95GB    (1003/0/0)    4092240
  5 unassigned    wm       0                0         (0/0/0)             0
  6 unassigned    wm       0                0         (0/0/0)             0
  7 unassigned    wm       0                0         (0/0/0)             0

so our swap partition is c0t0d0s4, all else remains the same

smalltalk# newfs /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3
smalltalk# mount /fsys1
smalltalk# cd /tempfsys1/
smalltalk# mv u1 /fsys1
smalltalk# mv .software/ /fsys1

reboot and let's see if everything still works.

... it didn't take my changes! wahhh.

partition> p
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 38307 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders         Size            Blocks
  0       root    wm       0 -  2007        3.91GB    (2008/0/0)    8192640
  1        var    wm    2008 -  5019        5.86GB    (3012/0/0)   12288960
  2     backup    wm       0 - 38306       74.53GB    (38307/0/0) 156292560
  3 unassigned    wm    5020 - 37303       62.81GB    (32284/0/0) 131718720
  4       swap    wm   37304 - 38306        1.95GB    (1003/0/0)    4092240
  5 unassigned    wm       0                0         (0/0/0)             0
  6 unassigned    wm       0                0         (0/0/0)             0
  7 unassigned    wm       0                0         (0/0/0)             0

partition> label
Ready to label disk, continue? y
# newfs /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3

follow with swap -a /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4

# swap -s
total: 22824k bytes allocated + 4672k reserved = 27496k used, 2856072k available

looks good, edit /etc/vfstab.

-- MikePatterson - 19 Mar 2005

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