To be filled in later.
ubuntu1404-202% psql -h -d odyssey psql (9.3.24, server 9.5.15) WARNING: psql major version 9.3, server major version 9.5. Some psql features might not work. SSL connection (cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256) Type "help" for help. odyssey=> select version(); odyssey=> SELECT current_date; date ------------ 2019-05-14 (1 row) odyssey=> select uw_term_from_time ('May 15, 2019'); ERROR: function uw_term_from_time(unknown) does not exist LINE 1: select uw_term_from_time ('May 15, 2019'); ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. odyssey=> set search_path to _instruct, _identity, _quest, public; SET odyssey=> select uw_term_from_time ('May 15, 2019'); uw_term_from_time ------------------- 1195 (1 row) odyssey=> \q ubuntu1404-202%
Notes: - \q to quit/exit - select is often used to print things not obviously search results. - uw_term_from_time fails unless search_path has been set as shown. - There can be psql version problems. Even server 9.5 is not very recent. - select version(); shows a non-inline result. |
Usually you (well, I) want to set the pager off... |
odyssey=> \pset pager off Pager usage is off. odyssey=> \dt
Notes: - (\? gives Postgres help; \h gives SQL help (potentially a lot of output) |
odyssey=> \h odyssey=> \h SHOW Command: SHOW Description: show the value of a run-time parameter Syntax: SHOW name SHOW ALL odyssey=>
odyssey=> \l List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges -----------+----------+----------+---------+-------+----------------------- odyssey | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | postgres=CTc/postgres+ | | | | | =Tc/postgres + | | | | | _dba=C/postgres postgres | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | template0 | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | =c/postgres + | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres template1 | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | =c/postgres + | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres (4 rows) odyssey=>
odyssey-> \dt odyssey-> \dt uw_unit List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+---------+-------+------------- _quest | uw_unit | table | _quest_root (1 row) odyssey->
odyssey-> \dt std_name List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+----------+-------+------------- _quest | std_name | table | _quest_root (1 row) odyssey-> \dt std_name_preferred No matching relations found. odyssey-> \dt std_name_primary No matching relations found. odyssey-> \dt std_plan_history List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------------------+-------+------------- _quest | std_plan_history | table | _quest_root (1 row) odyssey-> \dt std_program_history List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+---------------------+-------+------------- _quest | std_program_history | table | _quest_root (1 row) odyssey-> \dt std_service_indicator List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+-----------------------+-------+------------- _quest | std_service_indicator | table | _quest_root (1 row) odyssey-> \dt std_student List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+-------------+-------+------------- _quest | std_student | table | _quest_root (1 row) odyssey-> \dt std_subplan_history List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+---------------------+-------+------------- _quest | std_subplan_history | table | _quest_root (1 row) odyssey-> \dt std_term_plan List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+---------------+-------+------------- _quest | std_term_plan | table | _quest_root (1 row) odyssey-> \dt std_term_program List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------------------+-------+------------- _quest | std_term_program | table | _quest_root (1 row) odyssey-> \dt std_term_subplan List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------------------+-------+------------- _quest | std_term_subplan | table | _quest_root (1 row) odyssey->
odyssey=> select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'std_name' ; column_name ---------------- uw_id name_type_code name_as_of name_title last_name first_name middle_name (7 rows) odyssey=>
Note the quotation marks (apostrophes) around the table name. |
Notes: - If you have not set the pager off, \dt alone probably shows a none-inline result. |
odyssey=> \pset pager off Pager usage is off. odyssey=> \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner -----------+----------------------------------------+-------+---------------- _identity | person_event_type | table | _identity_root _identity | person_identity | table | _identity_root _identity | person_identity_log | table | _identity_root _identity | person_identity_type | table | _identity_root _identity | person_identity_type_log | table | _identity_root _identity | person_person | table | _identity_root _identity | person_person_log | table | _identity_root _identity | update_multiple_report | table | _identity_root _identity | watiam_duplicate_warning | table | _identity_root _identity | watiam_update_id | table | _identity_root [...] _quest | uw_grading_basis | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_group | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_group_history | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_holiday_type | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_location | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_location_history | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_phone_type | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_program_action | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_program_reason | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_program_status | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_room | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_study_agreement | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_term | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_test_component | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_test_source | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_test_type | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_unit | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_unit_history | table | _quest_root _quest | uw_visible_minority | table | _quest_root (276 rows) odyssey=>
Without \pset pager off
the output is "paged" to an alternate terminal screen and is not conveniently available.
One can use artbitrary unlikely names to avoid collision.
And also, in fact, if you use the same name as an existing table, it simple
prevents access to the real table during your session.
That might actually be useful for some testing.
But, in general,
perhaps, using a prefix convention such as t_
might be be a good way to prevent collision with normal names in the schema.
odyssey=> create temp table t_docplans as select * from pps_plan_type where ( program_type_code = 'D' ); SELECT 4 odyssey=> select plan_type_code from t_docplans; plan_type_code ---------------- DM DC DJ D (4 rows) odyssey=>
odyssey=> create temp table t_masterplans as select * from pps_plan_type where ( program_type_code = 'M' ); SELECT 52 odyssey=> odyssey=> select plan_type_code, plan_code from pps_plan join t_masterplans using (plan_type_code) where unit_code = 'CS'; plan_type_code | plan_code ----------------+------------ M25 | HLTHINMC M20 | HLTHINM M3 | CSQIM M18 | CSQFINM M | CSM2 M3 | CSCOURSEM M3 | CSM M3C | CSMC M3R | CSSEMR M3C | CSCOURSEMC M3 | CSSTATCMPM (11 rows) odyssey=>
odyssey=> select distinct uw_id, userid, plan_code from std_student join std_term_plan using (uw_id) join pps_plan using (plan_code) natural join t_masterplans where term_id = 1195 and unit_code = 'CS' limit 10; uw_id | userid | plan_code ----------+----------+------------ NNNNNNNN | y69bai | CSCOURSEM NNNNNNNN | h2gidwan | CSCOURSEMC NNNNNNNN | ihnicaci | CSCOURSEMC NNNNNNNN | a4balakr | CSM NNNNNNNN | cz3liu | CSM NNNNNNNN | ndezoysa | CSM NNNNNNNN | z2masud | CSM NNNNNNNN | ka2weath | CSCOURSEM NNNNNNNN | rnadri | CSM NNNNNNNN | t3tiwari | CSCOURSEMC (10 rows) odyssey=>
odyssey=> select distinct plan_code from std_student join std_term_plan using (uw_id) join pps_plan using (plan_code) natural join t_masterplans where term_id = 1195 and unit_code = 'CS'; plan_code ------------ CSCOURSEMC CSM CSMC CSQIM CSCOURSEM (5 rows) odyssey=>
odyssey=> select distinct plan_code from std_student join std_term_plan using (uw_id) join pps_plan using (plan_code) natural join t_masterplans where unit_code = 'CS'; plan_code ------------ CSQIM CSCOURSEMC CSM HLTHINM CSCOURSEM HLTHINMC CSMC CSSEMR (8 rows) odyssey=>
-- AdrianPepper - 2019-05-16