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Help Desk

The CSCF Help Desk will be staffed by a UW Co-op student and is located in DC 2608 (the hallway with the CSCF Research Support Group and CSCF User Support Group).

The CSCF Help Desk is there to provide help to any CS Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students or even Undergraduate Students (although they would normally use the Math Help Centre)

Our Help Desk is available to take in problems and record them in our work tracking system (ST - Service Tracker, formerly known as RT). The Help Desk can help with password and login issues, wireless access, laptop problems, etc. What they can't help with, they will assign to a full-time staff person to work on.

In addition, the Help Desk will triage email sent to accounts@cs, printers@cs and webmaster@cs, assigning tasks to the appropriate staff person and providing a response to the sender.

Help Desk Guide

The HelpDeskGuide is intended to assist Help Desk personnel with common tasks, but can also provide some self-serve functions

Email Handling

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Topic revision: r2 - 2013-07-31 - DrewPilcher
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