Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 11:53:21 -0400
From: Nancy Day
To: Mike Patterson
Subject: today's meeting

Hi Mike --

I should have sent this earlier, but here are the
big items on the agenda for our meeting today
that I know about:

Outstanding items:
1 - installing Rational ROSE RT on softbase (Jo, Irwin - urgent)
2 - setting up Richard's two new CFI servers
3 - vmware orders
4 - are all WatForm servers on UPS?
5 - setting up UPS software
6 - tumbo's network cable
7 - how do linux security updates on laptops?
8 - saspc09 memory, hard drive

New items:
9 - borrowed thin client for NT server/WatForm servers
      a  - Mark has volunteered gooch to be an NT server
      b  - what is involved in making gooch an NT server?
      c  - what is involved in setting up the thin client?
      d  - If possible, I'd like us to set this up for the
           students to try in the lab this summer.

10 - WatForm web server
      a  - can we use one of the retired PCs as a web server?

11 - Issues for web site:
      a  - we have a web site that runs one of our research tools
           that we would like to make available to the general public.
           It runs cgi/perl scripts as well as our tools in the
      b    - can we set up a special account with limited privileges
             to do this?  (i.e., we don't want them to be able to run
             huge jobs on our machine)
      c    - what are the other security risks?

12 - debianizing zagazig
      a  - Hazem's PC (lives in DC  )- it currently has windows and
      b    - please leave the windows partition as is
      c    - there is no data that needs to be kept on the redhat

13 - status on all computers
      a - it's probably a good idea if you take charge of the
          WatForm web page listing the computers and their
          locations, possibly by serial number since their
          names keep changing
      b - I know Richard has one CFI PC that has not yet been
          put into use
      c - how many "semi-retired" PCs do we have now (Ann, Zarrin,
          Nagmeh, and Wens/Irwin all had their PCs replaced I think)


1 - in progress, working with Ed. No ST yet.

2 - aransas is "complete". Waiting on feedback on aransas before setting up pedernales. Main issue is no xhier (yet), so no accounts management. ST#43728, ST#43729

3 - still waiting on Procurement to find out what happened. ST#43441, ST#43836, ST#43837

4 - except for gooch. gooch isn't because of physical proximity issues. Perhaps we could arrange for a tour of machine room for Nancy Mark Richard or anybody else?

5 - mudge should be the controller. Still need to look at this though (apcupsd). No ST yet.

6 - fixed. Machines are on a gigabit Nortel switch now (or should be). ST#43734, ST#44222

7 - ??

8 - still need to talk to SAS - this can be done any time, according to them, but need to co-ordinate a time. It isn't xhiered. ST#43525

9b - probably need a TS license. Will talk to Clayton.

9c - ditto

9d - should be possible.

10 - sure, no problem at all, choose an OS (Debian? smile ).

11b - should be possible.

11c - "depends".

12 - I have the machine now, will do that by the 15th. ST#44464

13a - fair enough. Inventory database!

13b - ST#43395

13c - the four listed. 3 are dual P3s, 4th is a P4 I think.

Missing items: ST#42713 make printer work, ST#43875 printing from zumzum very slow

-- MikePatterson - 19 Mar 2005

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