-- MikeGore - 2015-08-27
IDrac Scripts for Dell clusters
- IDrac is a Dell specific remote management tool set alternative to ipmitool - see ClusterToolsIPMITOOL
Reset node using iDrac
- /cscf-adm/src/IiDrac/reset_node ilom-NODE - where NODE is lised in the table above
Apply iDrac License Keys to machines
- ./allnodes_apply_idrac_keys
- Uses service_tags.txt for list of nodes - and to match the license file
- Assumes license files are in current directory - see extract_keys
Setup boot drive on nodes himrod-1 .. 23
- ./allnodes_setup_boot_hd
- Calls setup_boot_hd with node name
Setup disks on nodes himrod-1 .. 23
- ./allnodes_setup_disks
- Calls setup_disks with node name
Setup node disks via iDRac
- ./setup_boot_hd nodename [-r]
- nodename is like ilom-himrod-3
- -r implies reset node
Update all nodes firmware
- ./allnodes_update_firmware
- Uses service_tags.txt for list of nodes
- Calls update_firmware
Update node firmware
- ./update_firmware nodename R620|R720xd
- nodename is like ilom-himrod-3
Extract Dell license keys
- ./extract_keys
- Extracts the License.zip file , then renames the license files so that the service tag for each node is part of the file name.
- Example: DE00000040318201-1DF2DZ1.xml
List iDrac firmware versions for all nodes
- ./get_idrac_versions
- Uses service_tags.txt for list of nodes
List node disks
- ./list_disks nodename
- Lists iDrac disk and controller names on a node
- nodename is like ilom-himrod-3
Reboot node into PXE - onceupdate_rip
- ./reboot_once_pxe nodename
- nodename is like ilom-himrod-3
Reset node
- ./reset_node nodename
- nodename is like ilom-himrod-3
Reset nodes
- ./reset-nodes
- Resets all nodes except himrod-1 and storage nodes*
iDrac Help on the web
- Dell Remote Access Controller - DRAC / iDRAC
- RACADM Command Line Interface for DRAC
iDrac Directories
- iDrac-Firmware-R620
- iDrac-Firmware-R720xd
- R620
- orig
- Backup of license files in zip format
- docs
- iDrac documents integrated-dell-remote-access-cntrllr-7-v1.30.30_User's Guide_en-us.pdf
IDrac files
- account iDrac access password
- license_portal_url.txt
- URL and userid for Dell license portal (This is where we downloaded our iDrac keys)
- racadm_readme.txt
- Summary of iDrac commands (most of them listed below)
- service_tags_license_names.txt
- License file n Resets all nodes except himrod-1 and storage nodes*
ames with node names and hardware type R620 or R720xd
- service_tags.txt
- node name, service tag, hardware type R620 or R720xd
- Service Tags ver 4-1-2-20140605.xlsx
- file with node names and service tags
iDRac files on tftpboot server
- /tftpboot/pxes/firmware/R620IDRAC/firmimg.d7
- Firmare for R620 and R720xd - the happen to be the SAME image
IDrac ILOM network configurration examples
- Set NIC to ILOM4
- racadm config -g cfgLAnNetworking -o cfgNicSelection 5
- Get NIC
- racadm getconfig -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgNicSelection
- Static config
- racadm setniccfg -s
- Get NIC info - will list the ILOM and which interface it ties to
- Enable IPMI over lan
- racadm config -g cfgIpmiLan -o cfgIpmiLanEnable 1
Idrac Firmware commands
* See
update_firmware script - we flash update from the tftpboot server
- -p : upload firmware image from the client (RACADM)
- -g : use TFTP download process for firmware update (use with -u)
- -u : perform firmware update operation (used with -p and -g)
- -a : specifies TFTP server IP address used for firmware image (used with -g)
- -d : specifies source path where firmware image exists (default is local)
- -f : use FTP download process for firmware update
- -s : query for current firmware update process status
- -r : rollback to the standby firmware
- --clearcfg : after firmware update, removes the previous idrac configuration
Firmware update examples
* See
update_firmware script - we flash update from the tftpboot server
- Upload a firmware image from the client and start firmware update:
- racadm fwupdate -p -u -d /tmp/images
- Upload firmware image from FTP server and start firmware update:
- racadm fwupdate -f test test -d firmimg.d7
- Upload firmware image from TFTP server and start firmware update:
- racadm fwupdate -g -u -a -d /tmp/images
- Query the current status of the firmware update process:
- Rollback to the standby firmware:
- Upload firmware image from TFTP server, start firmware update. After firmware update is complete, delete previous iDRAC configuration:
- racadm fwupdate -g -u -a -d /tmp/images --clearcfg