Planning and Directions in CSCF
For an alternate view, see:
This page will attempt to provide an overview of our services - the current state and the directions we are taking those services. Where appropriate, links to documentation elsewhere or relevant work items should be provided.
Teaching environment
Accounts and Authentication
- moving Active Directory servers from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008/2012 (Completed Dec 2013/Jan 2014)
- all remaining Windows Server 2003 domain controllers removed as of Jan 2014
- CS-TEACHING region (aka
- re-organize our domain setup (May 2014)
- accounts management
- driven from xhier accounts software
- data received from registrar and broken into class lists, etc.
General-use computing servers
- general use compute servers (linux.student.cs) running Ubuntu 12.04 (as of January 2014)
- ubuntu1404.student.cs to be available for evaluation as of May 2014
- Windows terminal servers (two) running Windows 2008 as windows.student.cs
- software management
Compute Cluster
File storage
- Currently: Student File Storage
- current quota - all students get 4GB
- no NetApp Ontap OS upgrade in April 2014 (if MFCF agrees).
- under consideration: MEF proposal for git.student.cs or owncloud.student.cs hardware (student requested)
Database services
Assignment submission and marking
- Spring 2014: now using uPrint service from Retail Services
Undergraduate teaching labs
Mac Image
- Update Mac OS X image to 10.8.3 (Winter 2014) - ST#83954
- Updated to 10.10.3 (Fall 2015)
Mac labs
MC 2062
- machines are 5 years old
- Summer 2014 to move/surplus machines
- plan to purchase replacement equipment in fiscal 2013/2014
- adding screen and data projector
- change out keyboard mechanisms? sinks when pressed on, worn out nylon bushing?
- move power bars up higher to avoid being kicked?
- remove desks at rear, put in 2 acccessibility desks
- discuss with ISG
- corner screen
- need for audio system
- move of podium desk
- whiteboard vs blackboard?
- October 2014: renovations on hold - room not updated
MC 2063
- machines are 5 years old
- Summer 2014 to move/surplus machines
- plan to purchase replacement equipment in fiscal 2013/2014
- discuss with ISG
- October 2014: renovations on hold - room not update
MC 3003 (double room)
- has renewed networking/power/furniture/equipment (Spring 2012)
MC 3005
- has renewed networking/power/furniture/equipment (Winter 2013)
- flooring has old carpeting (needs to be switched to tile flooring)
MC 3027
- has renewed networking/power/furniture/equipment (Winter 2013)
- has new tiling
MC 4065
- Tutorial Centre - furniture and equipment upgraded (Spring 2013)
Thin-client labs
MC 2061
- older equipment (22" monitors, eon NetTops, single core)
Graphics lab
- MC 3007
- 25 Linux Ubuntu 12.04 (?) workstations with high-end graphics cards
- every year, purchase 5 new workstations with updated graphics cards (3x2D + 2x3D workstations)
Real-time lab
- MC 3018 / MC 3018A
- 4 trains, 4 dedicated PCs (controller stations)
- 14 NetTop workstations
Software Engineering Lab
Graduate (course masters) labs
- DC 3335
- iMacs running OS 10.6 -> need to be updated
- decision to be made about evergreening - more Macs or some Windows PCs?
- DC 2583A (behind Grad Mail room)
- created Spring 2015
- 8 stations with power
- consider screens, keyboard, mouse?
General environment
Accounts and Authentication
- moving Active Directory servers to Windows Server 2008 (expected completion Dec 2013)
- accounts managed through xhier accounts-master package
General-use computing servers
Unix / Linux
- currently (March 2014)
- one Ubuntu 12.04 system (
- Solaris no longer available
- ubuntu1010 and ubuntu606 no longer available
- ubuntu1404 Release Candidate system to be available for testing April 10, 2014
- ubuntu1404.cs to be considered a production system May 2014 - still to do (Oct. 2015)
- hardware (a blade in an HP C7000 blade server) for a second Ubuntu 12.04 system deployed in M3 3101
- aim to have network connectivity and online by December 2013
- Plans to have a third machine as a vanguard Ubuntu installation
- Goal: add 1 new (linux) server every other year
- currently: set of 2 servers running Windows 2008
- plans:
database services
File storage
- Fall 2015/Winter 2016 - considering Distributed File Service (for owncloud and other services)
- Meet with Dave and Anthony to review plans for Distributed File Service - Lawrence/Lori w/Dave/Anthony - October 2015
- Currently: NetApp
- Default quota: Staff/Grads - 20GB, Faculty - 50GB. Extra quota available as needed
- currently running a prototype machine
- plans to have production owncloud.cs (December 2013) - still to do
- Currently: most users on Connect (Fall 2015)
- some users still connect to mail.cs via imap
- Goal:
Web services
Redundancy and Disaster Recovery
- Backups: replaced tape jukebox Winter/Spring 2013
Switches and cabling
- IST now has primary responsibility for maintaining switches and cabling, however we do have access to most functions
- Fall 2015: most users still on 100MB, some on 1GB. Would like to get more (most?) users on 1GB
- Fall 2015: buildings interconnect on 10GB. Potential to move to 40GB
- IST Firewall in place Summer 2014
- all CS teaching and infrastructure networks behind campus firewall
- Research networks to be moved behind firewall by Fall 2015/Winter 2016
- Finish group consultations - Early December 2015 - Lawrence / RSG staff
- Move CrySP grads to VLAN 7/26 - Gordon
- Aim to have all client netwroks (84,168,169,170) behind firewall in January 2016
- Aim to have remaining research networks (7,26) in Winter 2016
- goal to minimize exceptions (move some to 74?)
- we have providing access to CS networks and other on-campus services (not considered production level)
- useful to faculty travelling outside of Canada where national firewalls block common sites (cnn, Facebook, LinkedIN, etc.)
- cn-vpn.uwaterloo is the IST-maintained campus-wide VPN service
- routes all on-campus traffic via the vpn server, other traffic through standard routes
Presentation/Meeting Rooms
- (needs descriptions and current state)
DC 2310
DC 2314
DC 2568
DC 2585
DC 3313
DC 3323
CSCF Special Projects
SSH Key Access"> Course Account SSH Key Access
- Course Account Ssh Key Access is provided by an automated key-copier - ST#64298 - Daniel
- some low-priority work remaining
- requires reconfiguration to allow a process change, so we no longer have to recompile sshd on every security update - ST#99631
Course Evaluation
Exam Printing
Exam Seating
Faculty Recruiting System
- Faculty Recruiting System web application deployed Fall 2009 for School Advisory Committee on Appointments (SACA) - ST#72731 - Daniel
- Involves supporting CS administration (rotating Chair and Mitzi) to prepare for each Fall recruiting cycle
- Requires training of new Chair in July, and adjusting the application to add chair-requested features
Grad Visit Day
- Grad Visit Day web application deployed February 2013 (and annually thereafter) for Heather Steinmetz and Jesse Hoey - ST#91837 - Daniel
- Inventory web application deployed 2009 for CSCF - ST#76671 - Daniel
- Version 3.5.0 - including multiple IPs on one host record - deployed September 2015 - ST#101159
- Version 3.5.1 - bugfixes - to be worked on in F2015/W2016 - ST#101745
- See also #Nagios below
- Documentation - supervise documentation writing - Isaac
- CS project currently on hiatus.
- Active contribtuion to Engineering's Online Faculty Information System 2009-2012 - ST#66865 - Daniel
- was used to automate production of the CS Research Handbook (2012 Edition)
- Engineering project continues, without CS involvement
Password Web App
- Password Web App for Student and Core regions - ST#74851 - Daniel
- low-priority work to rewrite user interface so core region updates requires fewer steps for helpdesk - ST#99631
Research Subscription System
- need links to system, documentation
CSCF Help Desk
Laptop loaning
small parts loans
CSCF internal services
CSCF Linux server
- 2014: cscf.cs was replaced with linux.cscf running Ubuntu 14.04
Machine Rooms
DC 3556 - Research Machine Room
- A/C and room monitoring installed (Fall 2014)
- rebuilding after sprinkler disaster (Fall 2014 -> Fall 2015)
- need storage racks and containers (Fall 2015)
- Finish Insurance Claim - November 2015 - Lawrence
DC 3558 - Main CS machine room
- collapsing down to two rows (plus IST's comm racks) - (Winter 2015)
- Research machines to get out of B3, B4, B5 as soon as possible (ongoing - Fall 2015)
- Infrastructure moving out of racks A7-A10 - to become Research racks (ongoing - Fall 2015)
- Infrastructure moving out of racks A1 and A2 - Feb 2014. To become Research racks (mostly done as of Fall 2014)
- power upgrades on walls, above racks to provide emergency circuits- done Fall 2014
- replace UPSes - Fall 2015
- Move all RSG equipment out of Row B- December 2015 - Lawrence/RSG
- 101485
DC 2303A - CGL machine room / secondary CSCF room / Bioinformatics
- CS Infrastructure leaving this room, third room is M3-3101 (Fall 2015)
- two racks now available for Research
MC 3015
- Fall 2015: MFCF has made row 10 available - some Research rackes there now
- Update PDU 2 - Fall 2015
- 2015: NagiosSystemMonitoring now driven from CSCF Inventory system - ST#100132 - Daniel
- allows for multiple services per host
- Report when server hits predefined temperature limit - Gordon
Asset Disposal
Research computing
Graduate student workstations
- Currently (Fall 2015): supervisors given a choice of:
- Fall 2015: Develop next image: Windows 10 / Ubuntu 14.04 for Spring 2016 deployment
- Streamline the AD join process - Mike / Clayton
generic cluster ("paper")
- Fall 2015/Winter 2016: build from evergreened hardware (not "production")
- use as testbed/sample for Lori's cluster architecture, including booking, local Active Directory, OS snapshots * Fall 2015/Winter 2016: build from evergreened hardware (not "production")
- use as testbed/sample for Lori's cluster architecture, including booking, local Active Directory, OS snapshots
Ganglia Portal
- Winter 2016: show all CS compute clusters in aggregate display
- facilitate sharing of compute resources amongst CS researchers
Visitor loaner equipment