This page is meant to include all useful instructions for maintaining the course evaluations by CSCF sysadmins
The production code is located in core.cs:/u/cs-eval/evals
. It is a checkout of a git repository from
containing all source code revisions. See GitUWaterlooCSCF for notes on usage.
See CourseEvaluationData for more detail of the data.
) an email update that the data is available. An (older, more verbose) sample email is in CourseEvaluationUsers. A more recent email can be found in ST#100066
Evals are produced and sent using the following steps (checking the output for sensibleness):
su - cs-eval cd evals/data T=S2014 ../ --term $T -f ../ --avg_terms 15 --term $T --subject 'CS,SE' --tag grad | tail -n +2 > GRAD ../ --avg_terms 15 --term $T --subject 'CS,SE' > CS ../ --avg_terms 15 --term $T --subject 'AMATH,MATH' > AM ../ --avg_terms 15 --term $T --subject 'CO,MATH' > CO ../ --avg_terms 15 --term $T --subject 'COMM,MATBUS' > COMM ../ --avg_terms 15 --term $T --subject 'PMATH,MATH' > PM ../ --avg_terms 15 --term $T --subject 'ACTSC,STAT,MTHEL' > STAT ../ --avg_terms 15 --term $T --subject 'ACTSC,STAT,MTHEL' --tag grad | tail -n +2 >> STAT ../ --avg_terms 15 --term $T --subject 'MATH,MTHEL,ENGL' > MATH
The first step will take a few minutes (and will output progress reports) during which it will erase and re-fill the local cache database for the specified term. This may be re-run at any time if necessary for some reason. If there are errors with the tool connecting to the server (, check with Mirko Vucicevich (
The second and further steps will run quickly, and won't output progress reports.
Review each file to make sure it has data as expected, and then run:
cat CS GRAD|mail -s "$T Term Evaluations" cat AM|mail -s "$T Term Evaluations" cat CO|mail -s "$T Term Evaluations" cat COMM|mail -s "$T Term Evaluations" cat PM|mail -s "$T Term Evaluations" cat STAT|mail -s "$T Term Evaluations" cat MATH|mail -s "$T Term Evaluations"
Clean up:
The first month in a new term, the CS Director may ask for a Top Instructors report (mwg has been able to run the report himself). To produce it, run:
./ --term $TERM --top_instructors
./ --term $TERM --top_instructors --tag grad
The output has the Top Instructors report, followed by full course data for those courses. As described, top instructors have 70% response-rate or 25+ replies; and all ratings must be 4.1 or higher. The results should all be CS and SE courses (or cross-listed as CS and SE courses); and/or grad courses. If a course shows up as a non-CS course, but is cross-listed as a CS course in the full course data, you may need to adjust the output to list the CS course instead of the non-CS course.
An instructor may request prior term results for themselves. We can run ./ --userid $USERID --term $TERM --avg_terms --out=table
(where TERM can be, for Fall 2013: F2013 or 2013.3 or 2013.9 or the always-favourite format 1139).
A Math Chair (or CS DIrector) may request all available data for a particular instructor who is undergoing review for tenure or promotion. We will run: ./ --userid $USERID --avg_terms
and send the results to the chair.
The CS Director or admin assistant will usually ask for a batch around the end of June. If they request a batch, this can be accomplished with the following steps:
Make a ticket; with subscription code sc-evals.with title in the form "course-evaluation: 2020 tenure and promotion requests"; see-also the last year's.
rm tandp.csv; for i in user1 user2 user3 user4 user5 ; do ../ --userid $i --avg_terms >> tandp.csv ; echo ",Average undergrad">> tandp.csv; echo >> tandp.csv; ../ --userid $i --tag grad --avg_terms >> tandp.csv; echo ",Average grad">> tandp.csv; echo >> tandp.csv; done
A sample excel spreadsheet for tenure and promotion will be attached to this wiki page.
Processing of the CSV is quickly done in excel (the following was tested with Mac Excel 2016):
When the CS/SE faculty members involved with tenure/promotion change, there will be a request to remove/add users from the system. This is done by removing and adding the userid(s) from/to unix group 'cs-eval' in the Core region via the Sponsors Data Accounts system. (The specific file controlling cs-eval
is /software/accounts-master/data/sponsors/School/cs.admin
Users should also get CS-wide access to the data; this involves visiting https:// and choosing the Administrative menu from the left-hand side; selecting Department Acess in CS (
) and adding each user (8-character version of username) with "read" and "promote" permissions. To remove a user, simply remove their permissions. There are user instructions, if needed, at
-- DanielAllen - 2014-01-30
I | Attachment | History | Action | Size | Date | Who | Comment |
![]() |
tandp-sample.xlsx | r1 | manage | 15.0 K | 2020-07-03 - 14:24 | DanielAllen | Tenure and Promotion randomized sample |