CSCF Git Repository

This page is to document CSCF use of the group of the server, which has an easy-to-use Gitlab web front-end with associated back-end hooks. This is Daniel Allen's recommended location to put CSCF code which might be shared with the rest of campus. CSCF Infrastructure group runs a repository at with a "Cgit" front-end; that is a different service.

Special Features

We've put up a GitlabSTWebHook - available to projects if they set it up - so that check-in messages containing 'ST# nnnnnn' will automatically email the check-in to the associated ST item. (see previous wiki link for details).


Access is available to anyone with a watiam ID; upon initial login using watiam password, their account is activated and they may be added to existing projects. The administrator for the server (as of July 2015) is Giles Malet, gdmalet.

Access to CSCF Group is a shortcut location for the CSCF group, a suitable location for CSCF-wide code. Write access to add repositories under the group may be granted by anyone with 'owner' rights in the group, which include drallen and fhgunn as well as part-time staff. Owner rights will be added for any additional CSCF staff requesting them.

  • AT THE END OF TERM be sure to remove co-op access from systems. For example, if they have pushed code to gitlab using any production role accounts, have them log in as themselves, and remove any ssh keys which correspond to the application accounts, because the key fingerprint cannot be re-used for another user. ( )

Introduction to Git and Further Reading

See Also

This page is loosely patterned on CSCFMercurialRepository, which it replaces.

-- DanielAllen - 2015-07-29

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