Course Evaluation

Data Processing and Storage

Course Evaluation input sources ( are validated against Quest records of instructors/sections for a given term in order to normalize instructor IDs and to add class IDs where missing.

Import process

Data is stored within the system in raw format. It is accessible in summary format via API, and via the web interface.

Report output (for pasting in instructions to faculty)

Column sample Description
course_id 9813 unique identifier matching the same course over all terms regardless of the cross-listings, as determined by the maintainers of Quest data
term_id 2010.9 Quest format. The first digit is 0 for years < 2000 and 1 for years > 2000. The next two digits are the last two digits of the year. The last digit is the month.
instructor_name Doe, John from source
user_id jdoe from source
course_label MATH 123 from source
section 001 from Quest
number_resp 113 number of responses
resp_rate 73% fraction of student responding to any question
percent_classes 85% average of Question 9: percent classes attended (highest possible: 90% due to lower bounds)
hrs_per_week 5.5 average for Question 15: hours per week outside class
prep 3.49 Preparation: 80% Question 1 + 20% Question 10
delivery 3.84 Delivery: average for Question 2 - Question 6
effectiveness 3.63 Effectiveness: 20% Question 7 + 80% Question 8
summary 3.65 25% prep + 25% delivery + 50% effectiveness
course_avg_prep 4.12 for all matching courses over the past 15 terms, avg(prep)
course_avg_delivery 4.12 for all matching courses over the past 15 terms, avg(delivery)
course_avg_effectiveness 4.08 for all matching courses over the past 15 terms, avg(effect)
course_avg_summary 4.10 for all matching courses over the past 15 terms, avg(summary)
course_count 6 count of matching courses over the past 15 terms
instr_avg_prep 3.68 for this instructor over the past 15 terms, avg(prep)
instr_avg_delivery 3.84 for this instructor over the past 15 terms, avg(delivery)
instr_avg_effectiveness 3.67 for this instructor over the past 15 terms, avg(effect)
instr_avg_summary 3.72 for this instructor over the past 15 terms, avg(summary)
instr_count 4 count of courses taught by this instr over the past 15 terms
tag online tag marker for 'grad' and data sources

-- DanielAllen - 2013-11-02

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf tompa_teaching_score_rules.pdf r1 manage 774.3 K 2016-01-07 - 13:05 DanielAllen Tompa teaching score rules - from Jack Rehder 2016-01-07
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Topic revision: r16 - 2018-04-16 - DanielAllen
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