In 0.8, at dlgawley's suggestion, I upgraded to the 2.6 kernel with the kernel-image-2.6.7-1-686-smp package and associated bits.
Attached is the raw dmesg output from the first boot.
gpm doesn't start at boot - but it will start by hand. This breaks the mouse in X11. sigh, I hate mice.
williams.cscf refused to boot the 2.6 kernel. After much investigation by MikePatterson and SevernTsui (with input from LawrenceFolland), it turns out that the problem is a USB 2.0 7 in 1 card reader combined with newer BIOS releases on an Asus P4P800VM motherboard and a 2.6 kernel.
Current workarounds:
I tried building my own kernel to rectify this.
First: williams:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.7# cp /boot/config-2.6.7-1-686-smp ./.config
then make oldconfig Then configure the kernel Old CPU default (despite -i686-smp) was PPro. So let's change that to P4. Support ACPI, but not APM. Let's not bother with PCMCMCMCMCIA support. Disable OHCI; lspci tells us our USB controller is UHCI and Claus Spitzer tells me that OHCI causes issues for him.
So, with config done: make-kpkg --append-to-version -uw-cscf --revision mpatters.0 binary modules_image
And let's see what happens... well, we got some debs, so install in following order:
williams:/usr/src# dpkg -i kernel-headers-2.6.7-uw-cscf_mpatters.0_i386.deb williams:/usr/src# dpkg -i kernel-image-2.6.7-uw-cscf_mpatters.0_i386.deb
That didn't work out so well; it panicked trying to mount root. But I checked and ext2 and 3 support are enabled, and the GRUB rules are the same.
But IDE support seems to have been a module - doh! Build it in and try again with
make-kpkg --append-to-version -uw-cscf --revision mpatters.1 binary modules_image
19 Aug 2004 MikePatterson
Phil provided me with a PC that was standard in every respect except it has a serial ATA drive. SevernTsui had had issues with his SATA-equipped machine using the Debian 2.4 kernel; he fixed them by upgrading to 2.6, but we've got other IssuesWithKernel26.
First step is to try a 2.6 image on this machine. FC1 rescue disc won't see the filesystem (guess it has no SATA drivers). FC2's rescue disc (2.6 kernel) seems to lock up, just like Debian's kernel - how interesting. It sees the drive as /dev/sda1, but won't mount it automagically. (Maybe FC1 did as well?)
# mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/sysimage # grub (now we're in grubby's cli) grub# root (hd0,4) grub# setup (hd0)
ie, these are the same steps we normally use to get grub going anyway. And grub works, hurray! And I also discovered it helps if you edit menu.lst to look in the right place for root.