apt-get update
and apt-get upgrade
first!): apt-get install -y uwcs-auth uwcs-bare-metal uwcs-shells uwcs-workstation
contains :
# The primary network interface auto eth1 iface eth1 inet dhcp
sudo apt-get purge network-manager; ifup -a
contains the following (correct the search fields as needed for a domain) by modifying /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base
search cs.uwaterloo.ca nameserver nameserver nameserver options rotate attempts:1 timeout:1
home directories :
sudo mkdir -p /org/cs /u /u0 /u1 /u2 /u3 /u4 /u5 /u6 /u7 /u8 /u9 /u.truncated
fs-homedirs.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca:/nethome/cs-quota /org/cs nfs sec=krb5,tcp,nodiratime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,vers=3,nolock,noauto /org/cs/u /u none bind,noauto /org/cs/u0 /u0 none bind,noauto /org/cs/u1 /u1 none bind,noauto /org/cs/u2 /u2 none bind,noauto /org/cs/u3 /u3 none bind,noauto /org/cs/u4 /u4 none bind,noauto /org/cs/u5 /u5 none bind,noauto /org/cs/u6 /u6 none bind,noauto /org/cs/u7 /u7 none bind,noauto /org/cs/u8 /u8 none bind,noauto /org/cs/u9 /u9 none bind,noauto /org/cs/u.truncated /u.truncated none bind,noauto
This is done however there is a persistent race condition in the Ubuntu 1404 operating system which is causing attempts to mount the NFS shares in /etc/fstab prior to the network service being ready. To overcome this problem I have inserted the following lines into the /etc/rc.local file to ensure the NFS mount is performed again at the end of the boot process. These lines must precede the exit 0 at the end of the rc.local file. sleep 10 mount /org/cs sleep 2 mount /u mount /u0 mount /u1 mount /u2 mount /u3 mount /u4 mount /u5 mount /u6 mount /u7 mount /u8 mount /u9 mount /u.truncated
to consist of the below and then sudo service lightdm restart
[SeatDefaults] greeter-session=unity-greeter user-session=ubuntu greeter-show-manual-login=true greeter-hide-users=true allow-guest=false
, then update ssh
config on linux.student.cs
using ssh-keygen -f "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts2" -R IP_ADDRESS
-- OmNafees - 2014-05-22