Watform - Adding users on the AD authenticated servers

Existing UW users

Some members of the group are Engineering students, staff or faculty and will not have an existing CS account. We need to add their account to the Math/CS idregistry before adding them to the sponsored accounts. Existing CS users will already that information. We'll determine what we need before proceeding.

In the examples below we want to add "John Doe" (uwdir jdoe)

Determine their current id

If you know their name: uwdir John Doe to get their userid

Once you know their userid: (on cscf.cs as root): userinfo jdoe Take a note of the "Id Number" you will need that shortly

Look them up in the Math/CS idregistry

You need to determine if they already have an existing uid/gid. If not, we need to reserve one for them. BE SURE TO USE THE 8-CHARACTER TRUNCATED VERSION OF THEIR USERID If it does exist, then it probably has the short name for the UID and the long name for the GID (?!?!) In any case, take note of the userid that comes back from the first idregistry request and use that for the group lookup.

On cscf.cs as root:

#####PATH: /fsys1/.software/local/.admin/bins/maintenance/idregistry
#  idregistry request jdoe
Note: use the exact form of the userid that it returns, above, for the group lookup, below
# idregistry request jdoe t=g

Now add them to the sponsors accounts

On cscf.cs as root:

# cd /fsys1/.software/local/accounts-master/data/sponsors/Research
look to see if the user already exists somewhere:

# vi Watform
 ... go down to the Rwatform002 (research accounts) section

more notes needed - see [[https://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/internal/request_debug/UpdateRequest?69722][ST#69722] (not in CS AD)] and ST#70207 (long userid issues) for further details

Non-UW users

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Topic revision: r6 - 2012-09-06 - BillInce
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