Meeting of 5 July 2004

Meeting started at approx. 1415h.

Present: Ken Salem, Gladimir Baranoski, Justin Wan, Gail Chopiak, Mike Patterson, Lawrence Folland

Gladimir presented concerns regarding the number, type, and length of time spent on various requests.

He would like to minimise the number of requests kept open at any one time and asked that we keep it to 4 - only open new ones as old ones are closed. Ken wasn't sure about this, but figured it was worth a try anyway.

Gladimir asked for a couple of other things:

  1. if a job will be > 2 hours, he'd like to know about it so he can let us know whether or not we ought to proceed (but use common sense, don't leave an urgent job half-done)
  2. he'd like to know about any new jobs to be billed against dd-ccermcs-1 accounts, regardless of who they come from (ie, stuff for Nancy).

He requested that we be more careful with our account assignations (we do double-check as a matter of course anyway).

Gladimir also expressed concern regarding some jobs that don't have much of a description (used 44010, moving quadra etc in the machine room). That particular job was explained I think to his satisfaction - it took 4 hours because it was 4 machines, all heavy-duty Dell servers, and even at that it took more than twice as long as we'd anticipated.

He asked that we close all requests but the following: ST#44611 ST#41667 ST#42179 ST#43977

Meeting concluded at approx. 1615h.

-- MikePatterson - 19 Mar 2005

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