-- ThomasAng - 17 Dec 2004
The page is up again and can be used. I'm currently working on a few improvements:
- fixing the problem with the back button (DONE 26 May 2005)
- adding a search function (DONE 31 May 2005)
- adding the ability to moved an object from one container to another (DONE 05 Aug 2005)
- adding the ability to rename objects. (DONE 30 June 2005)
In the future this may also be moving to a production machine.
-- ThomasAng - 24 May 2005
I'm currently trying to fix the problem with the back button, but as a result the page is currently not functioning properly again. I will post again when it is fixed.
-- ThomasAng - 25 May 2005
The page is working again, and the problem with the back button has been fixed.
-- ThomasAng - 26 May 2005
I have altered the display slightly to make it possible for users to see the type of each object.
-- ThomasAng - 30 May 2005
I have added a Search Page. I have also changed the Location description of each object into a series of hyperlinks to the containers of the object for easier navigation.
-- ThomasAng - 31 May 2005
I have found another bug, currently there is a problem with having names that contain '#'. I'll see if I can find away around the problem, if not then it will just have to be avoided.
-- ThomasAng - 03 Jun 2005
The bug with the '#' has been fixed.
-- ThomasAng - 06 Jun 2005
I am now working on having it so that a newly created object defaults to the allowable inserts of the most recently updated object of that type.
-- ThomasAng - 15 Jun 2005
I have managed to make it so that a newly created object defaults to the allowable inserts of the most recently created object of the type. As this is good enough to give the desired affect of not having to re add the allowable inserts everytime, I will leave it at this.
-- ThomasAng - 21 Jun 2005
Next I'm going to try an allow objects to have reversed numbering, so as to accomodate for the bottom to top numbering of our racks.
-- ThomasAng - 22 Jun 2005
I have finished making the numbering of the grids reversable. Users may now toggle on and off reversed horizontal and/or vertical numbering by checking or unchecking the checkboxes at the top of each object's page. This can only be done in editing mode.
-- ThomasAng - 28 Jun 2005
I have made it possible for users to change the names of objects that have already been created. However, this is only available to users logged in as Creator. Simply change the Name in the text field and click the Update button.
-- ThomasAng - 30 Jun 2005
Users logged in as Creator may now change the dimensions of the grids. Note that as a result, some objects can become hidden off the grid if the grid is shrunk. This is not a problem as the name of the object will still show up in the list of objects that can be moved. The possibility of hidden objects has always been there (ie: someone could insert an object over top of another), however, instead of removing this I would like to make users aware of this as I will make use of this when I allow objects to be moved between containers. The idea is: if you move a machine from Rack 1 to Rack 2, it will automatically place the machine in a hidden location in Rack 2, then the user can move it to a desired free location, or even leave it hidden until space is freed up. In a sense this can be thought of swap space.
-- ThomasAng - 08 Jul 2005
On Jun 27th, Lawrence notified me of an error that he encountered when trying to add objects. At the time I was unable to reproduce the error so I was unable to fix it. Today Chris encountered what I believe to be the same error, and after poking around a bit she told me that it only comes up when adding the first of a new type of object. I discovered that this error is caused when the program tries to look for the most recently added object of the same type to obtain the default Allowable Inserts. I have fixed the problem.
-- ThomasAng - 27 Jul 2005
I have added a confirmation popup for the removal of objects. Also object names may now use the following special characters in addition to the "#": \ / @ &
-- ThomasAng - 03 Aug 2005
Objects may now be moved between containers. This is done by changing the "Path" of the object. For example to move Machine1 from Rack 2 in MC3015 to Rack 3, change the Path from "MC3015/Rack 2" to "MC3015/Rack 3". If successful (ie: the location specified exists and doesn't contain another object with the same name) the object will be moved to the new location, but given coordinates "0;0". Hence it will show up in the list of possible objects to move, however, it will not appear in the grid. Once again, this is only available to users logged in as Creator.
-- ThomasAng - 05 Aug 2005
I made messages bold.
-- ThomasAng - 10 Aug 2005
Before, when searching, the users had to input the exact name of the object they were searching for. Now the input can just be a substring of what the user is looking for. Ie instead of having to type pippin.cs, the user can now just type pippin.
-- ThomasAng - 25 Aug 2005