Grad Student PC deployment

This information pertains to desktop systems. For laptops, see GradStudentLaptopDeployment

Core Group

  • Phil will image the School PCs and select one to fulfill each request submitted by Debbie Mustin or the Grad Student office
  • The machine will be placed on the Research Group rack with a sticker identifying the ST or its location will be noted in the ST


  • Create deployment sheet for each grad student, using Word Mail Merge, if desired. Samples of the Word document and the accompanying Excel spreadsheet used in F2006 are attached:
  • Affix password label to each sheet
    • Passwords.doc: Passwords Merge document (designed for Avery 5167 Label sheets)
    • This requires a text file with the first line "Password" and the following 80 lines are pre-generated passwords
    • The password generator is in CFPrivate.RT54825
  • keep sheet near PC for password maintenance
  • "Leave-behind" sheets
    • When systems are deployed, we need to leave an information sheet that directs people to where to acquire passwords (or, in the case of laptops, the system itself). These are customized per-PoC, but not per-client. Here are samples:
    • pc-leave-trg.doc: desktop PC "leave-behind" sample
      • Note that, as of Fall 2006, the procedure for setting the Domain password is not working. Therefore, the user needs to login to the core unix environment and run the 'passwd' command to change their password, either by using ssh themselves or they can login to the Windows CS-GENERAL domain as the user "Set My Password" which will do an ssh to one of the front-end machines, where it will automatically run the 'passwd' command.
    • tc-leave.doc: thin-client leave-behind sample (not used this term, but perhaps in the future)
  • PoC contact information sticker
    • We're putting a sticker on each system identifying its PoC. Here is a Word document to generate these:
    • PoC.doc: Point-Of-Contact labels (requires Avery 5167 stock)
  • If machines won't be ready before students will arrive, we've created a "Not Ready" document:


Install Grub, setup printing and add user (GRUB may not be necessary)


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc Passwords.doc r1 manage 143.5 K 2006-08-28 - 09:24 LawrenceFolland Passwords Merge document (designed for Avery 5167 Label sheets)
Microsoft Word filedoc PoC.doc r1 manage 73.5 K 2006-08-28 - 09:12 LawrenceFolland Point-Of-Contact labels (requires Avery 5167 stock)
Microsoft Word filedoc gltd.doc r1 manage 32.5 K 2006-09-11 - 18:43 TrevorGrove laptop mail-merge master
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls gpcd-db-sample.xls r1 manage 17.5 K 2006-08-25 - 14:28 TrevorGrove Excel spreadsheet for use with the Word mail-merge master
Microsoft Word filedoc gpcd.doc r1 manage 32.0 K 2006-08-25 - 14:13 TrevorGrove Word mail-merge master
Microsoft Word filedoc pc-leave-trg.doc r1 manage 228.5 K 2006-08-29 - 17:05 TrevorGrove sample "leave-behind" work document (nb: contains graphics)
Microsoft Word filedoc pc-notready.doc r1 manage 229.5 K 2006-09-01 - 17:16 LawrenceFolland  
Microsoft Word filedoc tc-leave.doc r1 manage 225.5 K 2006-09-11 - 18:46 TrevorGrove thin-client leave-behind sample
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Topic revision: r18 - 2012-09-06 - BillInce
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