Example of creating a cluster like cabernet with multiple networks, using a set of virtual machines.
Host VMware cluster setup prerequisites
- Most of the work was done in salt
- Given that we were doing all of this in VM's on my desktop we decided to manual create the headnode VM and join it to salt
- We could have also connected it to a CS salt managed pxe network and bootstrapped the head node install also.
Host hardware interfaces
- eth0: Connection to campus
- eth1: Not used here
- eth2: NIC directly connected to rsg-pc300
Virtual hardware setup
- Head node: 16.04 Server VM
- Bridged network interface to host eth0 (outside)
- Bridge easier for ssh, but salt will work with NAT
- second interface: host-only network (vmnet3)
- optionally bridge to host eth2 for rsg-pc300
- VMWare Virtual Network Editor to set this
- third interface: host-only network (vmnet2)
- 2+ identical nodes:
- Hard drive, but no OS
- Set PXE first
- first interface, same host-only as head node's second iface
- second interface, same as head's third iface
Set up head node
- hostname cs-tech1-vm, in DNS
- Start with Ubuntu 16.04 Server
- Salt bootstrap to salt-rsg-1604.cscf.uwaterloo.ca
- Accept on salt master
- salt 'cs-tech1-vm*' state.apply
- Apply states common to all RSG minions
- Add head node states to
# common.x == states/common/x.sls or x/init.sls
# Install generic tools for non-LXC machines
- common.physical
# Config sshd for remote access and place keys
- common.ssh
# /etc/resolv.conf
- common.networking.dns
# Package caching
- common.squid_deb_proxy.server
# Use our own package cache
- common.squid_deb_proxy.client
# Static ifaces for cluster
- common.networking.cluster_internal
# sysctl net.ipv4.ip-forward = 1
# For shorewall NAT
- common.networking.ip_forward
# shorewall firewall for NAT
# Third-party salt formula
# included via gitfs configured in states/master.d/git_remotes.conf
- shorewall
# provides support for dnsmasq for dhcp, dns, pxe boot.
- common.pxe
- pull in pillar files in
# Settings for head node only
- cs-tech1-vm
- contents of pillar cs-tech1-vm:
# pillar/cs-tech1-vm/init.sls
# Settings for head node
# dnsmasq and pxe settings
- cs-tech1-vm.pxe
# cluster networking
- cs-tech1-vm.net
# export nfs shares
- cs-tech1-vm.nfs
- cs-tech1-vm.shorewall
# ssh keys
- cs-tech1-vm.ssh
- contents of pillar cabernet:
# pillar/cabernet/init.sls
# Settings for nodes, excluding head node
# Turn on DHCP
- cabernet.net
# Mount nfs shares
- cabernet.nfs
# Allow head node's key
- cabernet.ssh
# eth0 interface naming
- cabernet.grub
- contents of all these files available in git
- Apply changes:
salt 'cs-tech1-vm*' state.apply --state-verbose=False test=True
- Dry-run and suppress 'Clean' returns from already-completed states
salt 'cs-tech1-vm*' state.apply --state-verbose=False
- Same, except real run
- Will take a few minutes
Install nodes:
- Due to
, cs-tech1-vm
is now a PXE boot server
- PXE settings in
- By default, it will send a command to boot local disk
pxe:default_pxe: 'bootlocal'
- To set all nodes to boot, change to, eg, 'pxe-xenial-single-auto'
- Useful for first cluster setup, but dangerous later
- To set a node to be installed, edit that entry in the
list defines MACs, IP's, and boot settings
- In this case, the eth0 / 10.* entries are the network we use for PXE
- Add / uncomment
preseed: 'pxe-xenial-single-auto'
- Remember to comment out again after install
- Apply:
- Faster to apply only PXE states:
salt 'cs-tech1-vm*' common.pxe test=True
salt 'cs-tech1-vm*' common.pxe
- Boot node(s)and wait for Debian installer to start
- Comment out preseeds again and re-apply as above
Configure nodes
- Preseed will have installed salt-minion pointing to the same master as the head node
- Accept node's salt keys on salt master
salt-key -l un
salt-key -a 'cl1n00*'
- Define nodegroup:
cabernet: '*.cabernet_net'
- Restart salt master to apply
systemctl restart salt-master
salt -N cabernet test.ping
- Safely confirm that nodegroup matches what you wanted
salt -N cabernet state.apply
- Nodegroup matching
- Apply states common to all RSG minions
- Add states to
# Does not include head node!
# nodegroup defined in states/master.d/nodegroups.conf
- match: nodegroup
# Install generic tools for non-LXC machines
- common.physical
# Config sshd for remote access and place keys
- common.ssh
# /etc/resolv.conf
- common.networking.dns
# Use eth0 naming
- common.grub
# NFS mounts from head node
- cluster.nfs_mounts
# Set up interfaces
- cluster.dhcp
# Package caching
- common.squid_deb_proxy.client
salt -N cabernet state.apply test=True
- common.grub will change iface naming to eth# on reboot
- cluster.dhcp sets eth0 & eth1 ifaces to DHCP
- Since the reboot applies both at the same time, they work
salt -N cabernet state.apply
salt -N cabernet system.reboot
- No return, because it reboots before replying, that's normal
salt -N cabernet test.ping
- Check if they are back up
- Everything should be done
- Login and check homedirs, etc
NathanFish - 2018-04-26
MikeGore - 2018-04-26