See Also: ManageUsersPrintersOnPykota
To add user "abcxyz":
Become root on cscf, ssh to cups.cs
root@services118:~# pkusers --add abcxyz root@services118:~# edpykota --add --printer ljp_plg abcxyz root@services118:~# edpykota --printer ljp_plg -S 10000 -H 15000 abcxyz root@services118:~# repykota --printer ljp_plg abcxyz
pkusers --list userid
edpykota --printer ljp_plg -S 10000 -H 15000 userid
repykota --printer ljp_plg userid
or perhaps a way to add new users too:
pkusers --add userid
edpykota --add userid
If you want to unlimit quota... I don't know.
The machine on which to do this is cups.cs. It's likely helpful to smbpasswd -a
them too, if they want to run a Windows box.
And because the pykota people are apparently idiots, you need the --add
option when you're setting up a new user. This is for edpykota.
Get the users printing code
cscf.cs# userinfo mhahmadi Userid: mhahmadi Id Number: 20332479 Other Ids: hr168876,P-190676 Name: Ahmadi, Mohamad Hasan Comment: 2009/Aug/27 - UWdir (jkeir) Sponsored: printer ljp_cs: cs8(20000) Sponsored: printer ljp_plg: Rplg002(5000) Sponsored: computing plg1.cs: Rplg002(1000000)
Get quota
cscf.cs# lpquota mhahmadi Printer Host User Account Free Prepaid ps_mfcf mfcf-group mhahmadi - 0.00 0.00 ... lp2_statsgrad -> ps_mfcf ljp_cs mfcf-group mhahmadi cs8 200.00 0.00 ljp_plg mfcf-group mhahmadi Rplg002 47.28 0.00
Set no limit to print on PLG, then check again with lpquota run on cscf.cs
On print.cs # /fsys1/.software/arch/lpr_quota/maintenance/lpquota_update_sucks -u mhahmadi -p ljp_plg -a Rplg002 -q unlimited +0 LPQUOTA_UPDATE started Tue Sep 28 09:45:56 2010 for root (root) _mfcf mhahmadi Rplg002 -1 0 _mfcf mhahmadi Rplg002 ljp_plg -1 0 Command: Done
Check Hard and Soft limits
root@services118:~# edpykota --list --printer ljp_plg mhahmadi mhahmadi@ljp_plg Page counter : 606 Lifetime page counter : 606 Soft limit : 10000 Hard limit : 15000 Date limit : None Maximum job size : Unlimited (Not supported yet) Warning banners printed : 0
Check the printer if several people are having problems. The printer may need to be started from the web interface.
Set Hard and Soft limits for all
for i in `cat lef4`; do edpykota --printer ljp_plg -S 10000 -H 15000 $i; done (root)[515]% cat lef4 bmlushma c7wang dlyeung glashari gvcormac j2chen jagidzin mmojdeh olhotak rkrische jakinyem (root)[516]% (root)[516]% for i in `cat lef4`; do edpykota --list --printer ljp_plg $i; done bmlushma@ljp_plg Page counter : 1610 Lifetime page counter : 1610 Soft limit : 10000 Hard limit : 15000 Date limit : None Maximum job size : Unlimited (Not supported yet) Warning banners printed : 0 ...
Make sure the user is listed to print on PLG
ssh cups.cs # edpykota --list --printer ljp_plg
-- MikePatterson - 09 Sep 2008