-- MikeGore - 2016-03-02

This page is intended for general links - specific images should be documented under

Privacy settings

Windows 10 Update paths

Windows 10 Downloads and Activation

Fixing Windows Update if the Windows update Troubleshooted does NOT work

Follow these steps if not repair methods fail to fix Windows updates
  • See: https://blog.pcrisk.com/windows/13032-potential-windows-update-database-error-detected
  • Start an elevated command prompt: Search -> cmd -> right click on cmd.exe -> Run as Administrator
  • Enter the following command and reboot afterwards - recheck windows updates
        net stop wuauserv 
        net stop cryptSvc 
        net stop bits 
        net stop msiserver 
        Ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old 
        Ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 Catroot2.old 
        net start wuauserv 
        net start cryptSvc 
        net start bits 
        net start msiserver 
        Ren C:\Windows\Logs\CBS CBS.old


Background Apps


Removing provisioned (built-in) apps in Windows 10

Windows 10 Image links for Clonezilla and VMware

Windows 10 Observations

  • There are rather large number of privacy concerns in the default privacy configuration settings. Some of the issues are not fully disclosed.
  • If you disable the search assistant web lookup feature it frequently resets to default after updates.
  • Some apps and settings revert after updates.
  • There are a large number of apps that can run in the background - bad for laptop users.
  • Apps are provisioned by default at initial login. There is no uninstall that works for all of them - removal options are up to each app - many will not allow uninstall.. Only a good knowledge of power shell can remove them all as that is the only way Microsoft documents for app removal.
  • Windows 10 can not be imaged for deployment without removing provisioned apps first - see last comment. However these apps are installed as the final step of a clean install as the installer logs you into the Admin account you just created.
  • Windows Updates can cause a computer to reboot by default. You can not disable autoreboot as you can with 7. You can only schedule an update if you are lucky to be around when it asks for a very short window of time. Microsoft can install updates and reboot even if updates are disabled - if they deem it important enough - bad for a machine running a critical tasks..
  • Windows 10 interoperability - 10 uses an updated version of SMB protocol - only available in bleeding edge release for Linux Samba - result is Windows 10 clients will experience very long delays connecting to a Linux servers the first time - but will eventually recover.
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Topic revision: r5 - 2020-12-18 - MikeGore
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