OFIS Notes from 7 April, 2010
- Beth / Marlon will have IAP research meeting tomorrow / 2 weeks.
- cleaning up existing data
- Marlon is importing IAP tables.
- Noki: automated login to OFIS/working on filling in form, as prep for NSERC form 100.
- Daniel: 5 profs with data?...
- Beth notes: Rick Culham- research "find an expert" fac eng main page -> research -> find a research expert / waterloo. might be where the data came from.
- UTF8: column in DB needs to be UTF8. some columns need to be converted from Latin?..
- keywords: expertise (single)? or 10 entries?
- beth wants separated by newlines.
- daniel will do change to output newline.
- awards: show on webpage? yes, beth wants for regular webpage.
- Lai will do: I will talk with him if necessary?...
- Lai: added fields / scrolldown for start-year (?) research_support
- Anthony: has been working on much better priv system. https://ofis.uwaterloo.ca/OFIS_awikkeri
- fine-grained; easy to have CS-specific menus.
- Daniel: for CS research book: will put as sub-dir of "webpage"; add menu item under Anthony's system.
Upcoming Tasks:
- Daniel: demos for profs: in April.
- tell profs: changes will be erased.
- look up email to the list: bibtex-using prof, wants to test.
- still to ask:
- "2234 manuscript pages" - where does that come from? End-page isn't supposed to be a range, is it?
- logic for page-ranges: holes around "" or 0 for source, n for end
- Daniel: Awards: "Show on Web" for everyone; lai is working on it. (blocking: switch over awards webpage).
- Daniel: "expertise single": code change to display as carriage-return, not comma. (then ready for live).
- Daniel: website: move to subdir of main.
- Daniel: ask Marlon: Vic DiCiccio ?
-- DanielAllen - 07 Apr 2010