Over the years, FireFox seems to have become increasingly greedy, and one can experience slowness and delays on less less powerful machines.
If you enter and select about:config in the URL entry box, you will be presented with an interface which allows you to change values internally significant to FireFox.
(Note: about:config and about:preferences links unfortunately seem to need to be entered manually).
Prior to doing that you should go to about:preferences and turn off everything which obviously competes with your basic text entry.
[ ] Search for text when you start typing
[ ] Enable picture-in-picture video controls (Learn more)
[ ] Control media via keyboard, headset, or virtual interface (Learn more)
[ ] Recommend extensions as you browse (Learn more)
[ ] Recommend features as you browse (Learn more)
I have a note to disable HTTPS DNS in settings, but looking at
settings (preferences) today I cannot find that.
I found it later, but I'll leave the waffling to indicate obscurity.
At the bottom of "General Settings", select Settings... under "Network Settings".
That opens a popup entitled Connection Settings. Scroll right to the bottom and unselect...
[ ] Enable DNS over HTTPS
Also, at the top may want to turn on..
(o) Add search bar in toolbar
the following seem
to have positive effects.
dom.serviceWorkers.idle_timeout 1000 (default 30000)
dom.serviceWorkers.idle_extended_timeout 30000 (leave as default for now)
network.dns.disablePrefetch true (seems to help a little)
network.dns.disableHttpsPrefetch true (is default)
accessibility.browsewithcaret_shortcut.enabled false
browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.improvesearch.topSiteSearchShortcuts false
javascript.options.compact_on_user_inactive_delay 30000 (default 300000)
(Seems to make BIG difference)
-- AdrianPepper - 04 Apr 2022