Roadmap for this tutorial: How to do stuff to the Netscreens, including route-point management and policy management. See "Network Firewall" for background descriptive information.
Most information can be found using a web browser and the Netscreen GUI at Instructions on using the CLI for basic configuration information are in Network tutorial 2.
Firewall policies (rules) are based on:
For address management there are two significant sub-categories
The term "singleton" is a bit of a misnomer, since an "address object" can consist of a network range of addresses (e.g. an entire /24 subnet). If you do this, please make the name and comments meaningful.
When defining an object, make the name a short meaningful one. In the absence of anything else, we tend to use the inventory system hostname, e.g. "scspc123.cs" for the name, and use the FQDN for the actual address of the object, eg "". In the comment field, for workstations assigned to grad students, it is very helpful to mention the supervisor's name (similarly for research-project machines -- mention the project name and supervisor). Unless there is good reason to do so, please do not use an IP address for the object address -- it makes end-of-use management more difficult.
There are three categories of services:
We prefer to use service groups for higher-level collections of related services, eg the "printing protocols" group contains the "hp jetdirect", "IPP" and "lpr" services (each of which may consist of one or more ports and protocols).
The practice of creating a "special" service which is random assortment of services customized for a particular workstation is deprecated. Instead, use the "multiple service" capability of policy creation in this circumstance. However, if a particular set of services is likely to be used in more than one policy, a group service is appropriate.
Services are global to the entire firewall and are not zone-specific.
Make sure you read the preamble to before making any policy changes.
It's essential that you consider traffic between zones when adding policies to the firewall. For example, if you want to allow VNC to a workstation in zone 5", you need to think about from what zones the traffic might originate. Typical scenarios are from Untrust, zone 1, zone 4 and zone 5 for grad/staff workstation policies (denying from the teaching environment). Thus to allow VNC into a zone 5 workstation would require several new policies, one for each of the potential source zones (for example: "Untrust -> Zone5", "Zone5 -> Zone2", "Zone1 -> Zone5" etc.).
A good example of service and address groups is the "zone 5 world webservers" set. There is an address group of systems that are permitted to be used as webservers accessible from off campus. And there is a service group of related "web" services that web-servers typically require. With these two groups defined, allowing a workstation to become a web-server is simply a mater of adding the new workstation address object to the address group -- there are existing policies already defined that allow access for each of the necessary zone combinations. All you need to do is add the address to the group.
The first thing you will need to do is locate the policy that needs to be changed. As policies are organized by source and destination zone, you'll need to find the relevant zones: both "Current VLAN assignments" (sorted by IP address range) or "Firewall zones" can be helpful in this task.
To remove a route-point, its routing configuration must first be deleted. Unfortunately the GUI interface is incapable of doing this (nb the error diagnostic it gives is not useful), so you must use the CLI. The following assumes that the route-point has been set up with virtual interface redundancy failover -- the inactive interface is de-configured first, followed by the active interface.
In the following example, "redundant2.x:1" is the inactive interface, and "redundant2.x" is the active interface. You can determine which is which from looking at the "State" and "VSD" columns in the output to a `get interface` command (VSD=1 means active). Note that it doesn't matter too much if you get this wrong -- the Netscreen won't let you do things it doesn't like. If you get errors about "VSI existing" or some such, just try working on the other interface instead.
To begin, remove the routing protocols:
unset interface "redundant2.x:1" protocol rip enable unset interface "redundant2.x:1" protocol rip unset interface "redundant2.x:1" unset interface "redundant2.x" protocol rip unset interface "redundant2.x" route unset interface "redundant2.x" ip manageable unset interface "redundant2.x" ip unset interface "redundant2.x" manage ping
Now, the firewall access-list information for the trust zone must be dismantled. You must inspect the access lists, determine the appropriate information and then unset it.
get vrouter trust-vr access-list
Look for the access-list that contains the interface you are removing. It will be identified by a number; call it al . Then
get vrouter trust-vr route-map
and look for the route-map entry that contains the access list al ; call it re . Now, you can remove the access list and the route-map that contains it:
unset vrouter trust-vr access-list al
unset vrouter trust-vr route-map "rtmap1" re
The identifiers al and re are independent -- they may turn out to be the same number but that is just a coincidence.
get vrouter untrust-vr access-list
and then remove the IP network from the access-list for the untrust zone:
unset vrouter untrust-vr access-list list# a.b.c.d/nn seq#
where list# and seq# are determined from inspecting the output of the command, and a.b.c.d/nn is the IP network number and size for interface "redundant2.x".
Finally, you can remove the active interface from the security zone, and the interface itself:
unset interface "redundant2.x" zone unset interface "redundant2.x"
Note: This information is, as of the time of writing (2010-6-1) intended to be descriptive, not prescriptive. It is based on a single-device setup and was determined by inspection of the current devices configuration in combination with the now-obsolete information in
Preliminary information: you will need to know:
Note: this process will cause an automatic reboot of the device, so issue the appropriate user notifications before beginning.
Some of this is an operational SOP as opposed to an instructional tutorial, but it needs to be written down somewhere:
Tutorial 1. 1.1) methods of accessing serial console - cables/D-Kit adaptor web, ssh, 1.2) Display configurations (running and stored) "get config" - greping the config for a specific display "get config | include "string" - what regular expressions ("wild" cards) work with "include" statement. Tutorial 2. 2.1) Backup Netscreen - to laptop Linux and Windows - to central server - Document were central repository of configs will live. - ask Guoxiang if somewhere on backup.cs makes sense? - validating backup file 2.2) restoring to alternate config space - includes how to temporarily booting with alternate config. 2.3) Reset Netscreen to Factory defaults. - confirm we're at factory defaults - what happens to account/password settings. 2.4) restoring a saved config from unknown device state. Tutorial 3.) (Maybe Tutorial 2 and 3 should be reversed or just move tutorial 2 to the end of the Tutorial set). 3.1) How to get firmware Upgrades from Juniper. 3.2) Install new firmware and reset device to factory defaults. 3.3) Setting up LACP - Trunk 1: port one on NIC one LACP'd to port one on NIC 2. - Trunk 2: port two on NIC one LACP'd to port two on NIC 2. 3.4) Setup /30 point-to-point VLan connection for Trunk 1. 3.5) Join the Netscreen (Management port?) to OSPF area 4. 3.6) Demonstrate connectivity to the Netscreen over the network. 3.7 (bonus section) 3.7.1) Connect Trunk 2 as second /30 point-to-point connection from Netscreen to a differect switch. 3.7.2) Prove that the double path to the Management IP is dealt with by OSPF 3.7.9) Disconnect this second connection for now. Tutorial 4.) 4.1) Setup security zones to mirror current setup. 4.2) Setup a currently unused test 172.19.?? vlan in each security zone. 4.3) Setup a PC that has Ubuntu server (THAT HAD ALL POSSIBLE SERVICES SELECTED DURING THE INSTALL) on the vlan. 4.4) nmap the PC from your laptop: on the local vlan. on a current firewalled vlan. on a unfirewalled vlan on a vlan outside of our OSPF area (non-DC wireless). 4.5) reconnect the second link. 4.5.1) What Vlan trunking needs to be done? 4.5.2) Using a continuous "ping" check what happens as you disconnect Trunk 1 or Trunk 2. How many pings are dropped? Tutorial 5.) 4.1) Setup a test VLan on old Netscreen implementation routed by RIP. 4.2) Move PC to that VLan and check how traffic is routed to it. 4.3) Add OSPF routing for test VLan on new Netscreen (not touching the RIP routing setup in 4.1. 4.4) Confirm that OSPF routing has higher priority than RIP routing, ie what does traceroute to the host show now? 4.5) What route is advertised to the OSPF backbone? 4.6) Does removing the RIP setup on the old Netscreen implementation have any affect now that the new Netscreen setup is providing OSPF routing?