OFIS Notes from 11 November, 2009
Past Tasks
- Tamir: ct'd bibtex
- Daniel:
Daniel asked about "program review" on behalf of prof in CS.
- Beth will ask Geoff McBoyle (who brings these to senate).
Student Evaluations:
- Beth says UCIST agenda item this Friday is gathering useful info from Quest. Quest may be integrating a campus-wide student-evaluations process. She will talk to Geoff McBoyle about it. Unknown timeline- possibly 1 year? If so, do we (CS) want to build a whole process for this now?
Peter F's question about timing on GSO updates: "after november 1": marlon will do this probably next week.
Double-reporting errors: Beth wants a display that she already reported an error.
- adding flags to how many tables, perhaps 5?
- daniel's idea for recording fixes for errors- duplicate table that presents corrected information for prof, and uses corrected information in reports, rather than the incorrect db info. would require a fair bit of design.
- Tamir: parsing bibtex: dates, etc.
- ensuring numbers are entered by user: js? and/or straight php?
- for later: add types: monograph (to book), thesis; to ofis?
login vs. delegate page: faculty can go to a page Beth will write.
Marlon's q about expertise interface:
- I should get marlon list of "areas of research" in spreadsheet format.
Upcoming Tasks:
- Tamir: ct'd bibtex
- Daniel: office of research question
- has the office of research been asked for research data for last 7 years? if not, OFIS team can ask for the data to be imported into OFIS for the same timeframe. Daniel will ask Peter Forsyth.
- Yuying Li is looking into it; hasn't gotten back to Daniel.
-- DanielAllen - 11 Nov 2009