-- MikeGore - 2015-07-22

Asimov Old to New Data Migration script

  • Important this script maps the old file system layout into the new filesystem layout on the new Asimov
  • Location of script: /root
root@asimov-new:~# cat clone-asimov 
# asimov-pool on /asimov-pool type zfs (rw,xattr)
# asimov-pool/images on /images type zfs (rw,noatime,xattr)
# asimov-pool/coregroup on /coregroup type zfs (rw,noatime,xattr)

   # Machine BACKUPS from /images
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images/dan/ /backups/dan/
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images/research/ /backups/research/
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images/rsg/ /backups/research/

   # CLAYTON AD BACKUPS /images 
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images/adbackups /backups/adbackups/

   # Machine Backups from /images2 - each have their own unique directory
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images2/backup/ /backups/research/
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images2/backups/ /backups/research/
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images2/backups2/ /backups/research/

   # Curupira Disk images /images2
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images2/curupira/ /backups/research/curupira/

   # RSG MACHINE images from /coregroup1/images/research
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/coregroup1/images/research/ /images/images/

   #COREGROUP and MACHINE IMAGES from /coregroup and /coregroup_old
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H --exclude /coregroup1/images/research/ root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/coregroup1/ /coregroup/
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/coregroup_old/images/ /coregroup/old_images/

   # CLAYTON MACHINE IMAGES from /images and /images2
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images2/ctucker/ /images/ctucker/

   # NEXUS MACHINE IMAGES from /images
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images/mac/ /images/mac/
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images/nexus/ /images/nexus/

   # MAC IMAGES from /images
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images/nexus_adm/ /images/nexus_adm/

   # CDROM/DVD IMAGES /images/rawiso
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images/rawiso/ /images/rawiso/

   # Common Windows Software from /images
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images/exports/ /images/exports/

   # Windows XP imaging tools and drivers from /images
   mkdir /images/sysprep
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images/sysprep/ /images/sysprep/xp/

   # Projects 
   ionice -c 3 rsync -a -x -H root@asimov.uwaterloo.ca:/images/projects/ /images/projects/

copy_asimov 2>copy.errors 2>copy.log

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Topic revision: r1 - 2015-07-22 - MikeGore
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