OFIS Notes from 06 May, 2010
Past CS tasks
- Daniel:
- imported CS data to live (as Marlon was about to flush dev system).
- added the two users from Math to live system.
- gave Noki a copy of a prof's NSERC form 100 data as requested, for him to use as template.
- Prepping for profs using OFIS to make their research book. (June?)
- Priorities for term:
- vu: excel contribution import in-process. in production: contribution clarification/updates; new priv system; UTF8 db.
- wants to revise research search tool this term. IQC wants to search as well. (meeting next week).
- Daniel: data accuracy; import from bibtex debugged.
- missing grad students should be flagged as errors?... gov't count date -> missing people; not something we can do much about.
- Marlon: Audrey Slavoda - data error table modifications ; HR import bug? ; Office of Research import (to follow) ; GSO/IST (Derrick Kirkland): want prototype end of May, full test end of June, after gov't count date; Quest: emplid not UW userid, OK; but can't get dept'id/name.;
- reporting errors : GSO are frustrated about how profs report...
- GSO need Department liason to correct. ... could we get master list of dept liaisons to auto-email the error to them? would need it up to date...
- Beth / Alan George about duplicate data-entry from forms within faculties. sources of errors to GSO- low-hanging fruit. may have a grad student doing pilot project on this.
- GSO doesn't currently create last-updated field?! So do we need 'last five years data'; office of research same boat, likely. (or... could we get OFIS updated by them directly?)
- IAP might push data to OFIS?... leaves, appointment, employment history tables in OFIS? by end of summer.
- Engr webpages... Vu's project. will discuss.
- Contribution sub-report for NSERC, also on the list
- Beth going on sabbatical but is continuing for OFIS project.
- can we remove the expanded edit fields for contributions? no, but can hide them behind a button...
- also hide the co-contributors?... yes. Vu will do.
- prod-> replace dev tomorrow.
Upcoming Tasks:
- Daniel will fix CS Research Book code for order of display
-- DanielAllen - 06 May 2010