demos on curu*: really nice

need to get passwordless smbmount working, f'rinstance on saci for Saurabh. Justin doesn't really need access to curumin/curupira shares from multigrid - he already has home dirs from multigrid mounted on bryce1 and that's fine

Talk to Robyn and Patrick about the X11R6 stuff: can we kludge it on multigrid (Sol8) and curupira (IRIX) - can try it out on "methane"

Talk to Nancy about letting Rong/Justin use quadra/tumbo (gooch/mudge?) to do their stuff on (so would have to make it somewhat like timber)

sound is still boogered on saci :~(

Netscape - what version is on curumin?

-- MikePatterson - 19 Mar 2005

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Topic revision: r1 - 2005-03-19 - MikePatterson
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