Odyssey Log Directory

The Odyssey log directory is /software/odyssey-2/logs. Within this directory should be one directory per year. Within the year directories should be one directory per month, and within those one directory per day.

In each of the per-day directories, the following files may appear:

  • Files named #webgate, #cmdgate, #restart, or #cgigate are from an OdysseyAdapter.
  • Files named #server come from the server JVM.
  • Files named %%anon%% come from the anonymous JVM.
  • Files named after a userid come from the JVM for that user.
  • Files named after a userid with ".=" appended come from the "local user" JVM for that user.

Log files are set when an adapter or JVM begins and are not changed subsequently, so if the program persists past midnight, log entries will continue to appear in the file corresponding to the day on which the program was started. This will not normally be a problem for the adapters or even for the "client" JVMs but may be an issue for the "server" JVMs which may persist for some time.

-- IsaacMorland - 22 Jan 2007

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Topic revision: r1 - 2007-01-22 - IsaacMorland
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