October '06 Meeting
Proposed date: 23 October 2006.
Meeting: 2:00pm-3:00pm
Present: Daniel, Dave, Mike, Christopher, Fraser, Phil
- pre-announce: fe102.cs & fe104.cs
- network: (anyone seeing problems with linux/nfs?)
- dave would like hardware info
- timber: hp switch; dell poweredge running fedora core..
- gl: a few drop connection then refuse to mount.
- monitoring/nagios
- centralized management of debian/ubuntu packages and their configs
- systemimager for xhiered systems ? pro's, con's?
- cfengine? pro's, con's?
- accounts: cf. ST#55559 vs LDAP (MikePatterson)
- Jason's question about procedure for others adding packages
- proposed: (mail tg-linux-cscf & post to uw.cscf.changes)
- announce tomorrow at CSCF staff mtg.
- what about mfcf? ...ccalzone would be interested. so, to
- accounts: Dave will pick up championing renumbering low-uid clients.
- daniel is addressing lock problems in lab.
* printing and authentication: punt for meeting with Jason and Clayton re: samba3.0 with kerberos.
- fyi: MFCF is eventually setting up linux front-end, once they have LDAP auth? also replacing
with redhat box.
- if nfs down: send to syslog: date, uptime. or nagios? & then mount.
- nagios (watcher202): would need proper logic for: if switch down, don't bother notifying about hosts on the switch... mikep just got a book on it.
- but what about fixing the problem (nfs down, etc).
- linux implementation of NFS had bad reputation? what about now?
- heartbeat s/w as part of HA linux?
* batch dispatcher for cpuservers? mike thinks this would be useful. though, wait until we have linux cpu servers, as far as this group goes.
* building cscf .debs: we may want to offer new debs for students' machines that aren't xhiered. such as nfs-mounter?...
-- DanielAllen - 23 Oct 2006