Documentation in process of being updated
The CSCF HARDWARE LAB consists of four areas: storage, workstations, receiving, and network racks.
Storage Area
storage area consists of six 4'x2'x6.5' shelving units.
The Core group has four shelving units, the User and Research groups each have one shelving unit.
Each group organizes their shelving units as they see fit.
However, the top shelf of all shelving units is for empty equipment containers and the bottom shelf is for CRT monitors. CRT monitors must be stored on the bottom shelf. If the bottom shelf is full of CRT monitors, other shelves can then be used. A footstool is stored in this area to help staff reach the upper shelves.
Workstation Space
Workstation space has been divided into 6' sections: Core, User, Research, Network and Cleaning. Each section has antistatic counter top, overhead shelf, under-shelf fluorescent lighting, overhead cabinet and a movable 3-drawer under-counter top cabinet.
The Cleaning workspace has a wet/dry Shopvac and air compressor.
The User/Research workspace has a shared toolkit. This toolkit must remain in the lab. A duplicate toolkit is available in the Lending Cabinet for out-of-lab use.
The large red tool cabinet is available for shared use, but the parts must be returned to the cabinet after use. Power tools can be found in the lower drawers of the cabinet.
The Core workspace contains the Hardware/Software Library and cd duplication computer workstation. See yet-to-be-created document for explanation and rules.
Rules of Use
We have very little space to work with, so we must use it efficiently.
To that end we have (at least) these rules:
- equipment must be identifiable. Equipment left on a workbench beyond the current business day must be labeled with the "ST #" describing the work being done.
- equipment on a workbench that hasn't been worked on for a week must be removed. If no place can be found for it, ask your manager for help.
Receiving Area
The Receiving area is intended for surplus equipment, deliveries, and equipment drop-off.
Surplus equipment should be stored on the floor, underneath and around the tables. Please mark surplus equipment with a red sticker. The stickers can be found on the side of the Lending Cabinet. Surplus equipment must be properly reported: notify ??, make necessary Inventory and DNS database updates, remove all hard drives from equipment and give to the Core group for wiping.
The Lending Cabinet is part of the Receiving area. See Lending Cabinet section for explanation and rules.
There is a large garbage container located here. Do not use this for cardboard or packing materials, these items should be placed in the main hallway adjacent to the Hardware Lab. All boxes must be broken down. Take care not to obstruct the Fire Hose and Electrical Cabinets.
Network Racks
The Network Racks contain Core Network switches and patch panels.
On the back of the interior hallway door you will find a Swifter wet mop, broom and dust pan. Please keep the lab and the work spaces clean.
-- PhilipBeldowski - 10 Dec 2009