Login Problems on particular machines

Macs in DC3335

The Macs in this room require a user's CS-GENERAL password to access. An easy way to tell if a machine uses CS-GENERAL passwords is if it has a name like NAME.cs as oppsed to NAME.student.cs.

To help a student reset this password, use instructions here: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/view/CF/HelpDeskGuide#CS_GENERAL_Account_Passwords

Any *.student.cs machine, including Mac labs on 2nd-floor and third-floor MC, including web sites

Direct students to https://www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/password/ to reset their CS-TEACHING password and tell them to try logging in again five minutes after password reset.

Resetting CS-GENERAL passwords manually (for root)

as root, become cs-pwset; then run:

/u/cs-pwset/bin/change_ad_password.sh $USER $PASS 2>&1

Providing temporary accounts to allow wireless network access for guests and visitors


Providing temporary linux.student.cs accounts to non-CS

See ST#102250

Creating WatIam accounts


When creating staff or faculty accounts in advance of HR or IST, the key is to select "Advance Create" and to make sure the name, birth date and department are correct, as this information will be used to prevent alternate incorrect account creation later.

Increasing account diskquota using sponsors data (update group memberships here as well)

Approach to increase diskquota has changed since introduction of new file server in 2015. Currently gxshen@cscf is fielding change requests.

The following webpage will also be useful to determine actual diskquotas:


I have modified them so that, if the REMOTE_USER is in a list corresponding
to CSCF permanent staff, then an apparent REMOTE_USER variable in the
QUERY_STRING will be used in place of the actual REMOTE_USER.


The implementation may not be secure.

Logically the output of such calls should include a form to submit
another query, but that would require HTML.

And we really need a command-line equivalent.


Notes on Sponsors Data

An arguable data base of sponsors (accounts) data can be found under


("computing" was the name of the "table" I could not remember earlier).

  cs-xh-admin% pwd
  cs-xh-admin% ls -lLart
  total 32
  -rw-rw-r-- 1 root none      262 Jul 10  2003 README
  drwxr-sr-x 2 root none     4096 Apr  8  2014 .
  drwxrwsr-x 2 root accounts 4096 Apr  8  2014 licence
  drwxrwsr-x 2 root accounts 4096 Apr  8  2014 ppp
  drwxr-xr-x 3 root none     4096 Oct 10  2014 ..
  drwxrwsr-x 2 root accounts 4096 Aug 31 14:31 printer
  drwxrwsr-x 2 root accounts 4096 Aug 31 14:31 computing
  drwxrwsr-x 2 root accounts 4096 Aug 31 14:31 alias

"licence" and "ppp" are essentially old and obsolate.

Underneath the other directories are files named after regions
(hostnames) with a simple schema for each.



Sorry, there are no column headings on those tables.

But here's their schemas...  (schemata?)
   printer: uwuserid(full):resources
   computing: uwuserid(full):real name:id-number:resources
   alias: name:class:rvalue

Notes: The tables are still not part of a regular data base because
"resources" is a list of comma-separated values.

cs-xh-admin% grep omnafees computing/cs-teaching.cs.private
omnafees:Nafees, Omar M.:NNNNNNNN::CSCF601(0;login_graphics,login_ug),CSCF601(0;cs-marks,cs246,cs343,cs350_999,cs_build,cssystems,isg)

My claim is the tree of non-dot, non-RCS files under
/software/accounts-master/data/sponsors are a (restricted) programming
language which specifies the state of the above simple data base over


  sponsor_resources today=2016/02/01 resources=/tmp/omnafees e=50000

will generate under
/tmp/omnafees (assuming /tmp/omnafees contains directories "computing",
"printer" and "alias"--a sanity check) the state of this data base on
the date 2016/02/01.

I have a program /u/arpepper/bin/willberesources which takes a
date, and produces on standard output a unified table for all
the types of resources.

  cs-xh-admin% /u/arpepper/bin/willberesources 2016/02/01 | wc
   127542  127542 8654965
  cs-xh-admin% /u/arpepper/bin/willberesources 2016/02/01 | sed 's/:.*//' | \
     sort | uniq -c
      546 alias
   125807 computing
     1189 printer
  cs-xh-admin% /u/arpepper/bin/willberesources 2016/02/01 |  grep '^computing' | head


That is derived by taking the non-standard "resources" field, and
breaking it into a line per identifiable resource.  Of course, that
has the disadvantage that each userid appears in many records for the
same host.

Building on willberesouces, I have programs which will track the
life of "resources" over time.

These can be good for determining the effects of editing changes.


-- OmNafees - 2015-02-05

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