Work In Progress
The projector is located in the booth at the back of the room.
The video switch box is located in the cabinet at the front of the room, it is in the right side of the cabinet.
There is a "headphone" jack connector, usually located in the left side of the cabinet at the front of the room. Insert this connector into the computer's headphone jack. Be sure to test the volume output prior to any presentation. Volume adjustment may have to be done on the audio box or on the computer itself, or possibly both. The audio box is in the left side of the cabinet at the front of the room.
There is a panel at the front of the room on the wall on the left side of the screen. It has an "on" button to turn on the projector. There is a VGA cable running from the box.
Experience, so far, shows that the "fool-proof" way of connecting a Mac is:
Sometimes one has to select "Connect to Projector" in the Control Panel under display settings, because the secondary display might not have been setup yet.