Configuration of the cscf-urgent Mailing List
The cscf-urgent mailing list is implemented by an email alias
in the cscf-specific package:
The configuration of that list is mostly obvious.
However these options are worth noting:
- General Options
- Where are replies to list messages directed?
This list
- Privacy Options
- Subscription rules
- What steps are required for subscription?
Require Approval
- Who can view subscription list?
- Sender filters
- By default, should new list member postings be moderated?
- List of non-member addresses whose postings should
be automatically accepted.
- Text to include in any rejection notice to be sent to non-members
who post to this list. This notice can include the list's owner
address by %(listowner)s and replaces the internally crafted
default message.
This list is intended to accept urgent CSCF after hours problem
reports. It requires that the reports appear to come from a
"" mail address. So if you're reporting from
off-campus, you'll need to configure your mail client to
use a "" address.
Note that anyone's mail will be accepted,
however non-UW mail will be held for moderation,
which causes mail to be sent to the list administrators,
which is currently management (although it needn't be).
List maintenance is typically done by management, however the
administrator password for the list
is available to any CSCF staff that need it.
Related Information