Setting up vacation mail for Blackberry Users
These notes were based on an email from Cathy Cooper, ODAA
Setting up vacation mail in myWaterloo
- BB users cannot use the standard method of setting their vacation message because myWaterloo uses the same file that we use to forward the email to the BB; if you're not careful, you'll over-write the forwarding file, and email will not be sent to the BB!
- Very briefly, you need to log on to myWaterloo, select the Spam, Forward & Vacation option, select Full Control, Show Current then make changes to:
- the .procmailrc file in the first window. There's a comment to highlight the code for handling the vacation message. To turn the vacation message ON, you'll need to remove the #'s from the lines starting at ":0c" till the line with "| /usr/bin/vacation". Once your remove the comments, this code will be executed.
- the .vacation.msg window. Here you'll type the message that you want people to receive the first time they send you email each week.
- when you've got everything updated, hit the Set as Shown option at the very bottom.
- As a final test, it's always a good idea to send a message to yourself to ensure that a vacation message is generated, and that your original email is forwarded to the BB.