Currently, Wendy Rush is the primary maintainer of printer toner cartridges.
Toner cartridges for the printers in DC2311, DC2583, DC3116, DC3645 and DC3507 can be found in DC2311 in the cabinets below the printer, or on a shelf in the room of the printer. For the colour copier/printers the cartridges are in Wendy's office. They aren't left in the printer/copier rooms because they seem to disappear.
The cartridge boxes list the models of printer they're compatible with. See for a table of printers with model and location. Contact Fraser if you notice missing or incorrect information in the table.
All cartridges can be ordered through Tri-Charge (Dave) 519-222-3987. He is quite fast. If there are problems with a cartridge, he will usually replace it for free. There's a model number on a cartridge that can be used for ordering.
It is preferred that people bring empty cartridges to Wendy. If they are left in the cabinet in DC2311, mark them as "used", and send email to Wendy if more need to be ordered. If it is necessary to get into Wendy's office in her absence, contact Helen Jardine for a key.
For research labs, Wendy is usually contacted by the lab, orders the cartridge, and charges the appropriate faculty member.
In Wendy's absence, if you have to order a cartridge because there isn't one in stock, just let Wendy know what lab and she will contact Tri Charge when she returns to provide the billing information.
It is recommended to wear disposable gloves while changing cartridges, e.g. if a leak or spill happens.
Wendy watches for low paper in the CS printing rooms, and let's Helen (Jardine) know when more needs to be ordered.
For the research groups, the approach is the same as for toner cartridges. When a group needs paper, they usually let Wendy know (not all do this). Then Wendy sends mail to the group asking for an account to charge. Helen orders the paper (using a P-card).
Some printers can staple. How to check and replace remains to be documented.
Each printer room should be checked (daily, usually early in the morning):
When responding to emails sent to, make sure to use "Reply all" in order to inform the other people who also receive emails from this account.
Similarly, ensure that if work is done on any printers that it is documented via ST item and an email to
If a printer says it needs a kit, or looks unhealthy, create an ST item, and let CSCF Help Desk know.
There are two (heavily used) HP LaserJet P4015 printers in the grad mail room in DC.
Instructions on how to clean the printer: HERE
Note: The printers in the grad print room have duplexers installed.
Instructions on how to perform maintenance: HERE
Note: The maintenance kit will also come with instructions and all the tools required to perform the replacements. Because the fuser can get hot, it is best to turn the printer off and replace the fuser last. Depending on the number of trays installed for the printer, not all rollers that come with the maintenance kit will be required.
To reset the Maintenance count for the printer, follow: