Grad Admissions Extract Codes

Here we record special codes found in the extracts and any information we have concerning their meanings.

Decision Codes

Code Meaning Reasons Change of status Frequency
APPL New applicant file is entered into PeopleSoft.   Set to "New" 46%
DENY Deny   Set to "Cancelled" 32%
MATR Matriculate (Files are passed to Student Records) AUTO, none Set to "Active" 8%
ADMT Admitted AC, AR Set to "Admitted" 6%
COND Conditionally admitted (Major conditions, cannot register until satisfied) CR   3%
WAPP Applicant Withdrawal ADEC, BDEC Set to "Cancelled" 3%
ADRV Admission Revocation DCLN, none Set to "Cancelled" 1%
WADM Administrative Withdrawal DAL Set to "Cancelled" 0.1%
DEFR Defer Enrollment   (no change) 0.0%
PRGC Academic Program change   (no change) 0.0%
ACTV       0.0%

Some of this information came from How To Inquire on a Student's Application, University of Massachusetts, February 2006.

Decision Reason Codes

Code Meaning Use with Decisions Notes
AC Admit Conditional ADMT Minor conditions, can still register
ADEC After Decision WAPP After recommendation sent to GSO
AR Admit Regular ADMT No conditions
AUTO Automatriculated MATR Result of batch process
BDEC Before Decision WAPP Before recommendation sent to GSO
CR Conditions Remaining COND  
DAL Document Alert WADM  
DCLN Decline ADRV  

Summary Type Codes

Summary Type Description
UGFL Undergrad final (entered by GSO)
MSTF Master's final (entered by GSO when viewing official transcript)
PHDF Doctoral final (entered by GSO)
UGOS Undergrad self-declared (from online app)
MOS Master's self-declared (from online app)
POS Doctoral self-declared (from online app)
UGOV Undergrad overall (not in use anymore)
MSTR Master's (not in use anymore)
PHD Doctoral (not in use anymore)

Work Type Codes

These don't actually appear in the extracts (yet?). But this seems a reasonable place to record what the choices mean.

Work Type Description
THESI MMath Thesis
COURS MMath Coursework
PAPER MMath Research Paper

These are actually program options for the Master's degree. The OUAC application will, according to mtowell, have all three options, but we don't know exactly when. According to GSO, these are “admission comments”.

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Topic revision: r2 - 2013-02-22 - DrewPilcher
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