Meeting: 2016-01-20 2pm
Attended: drallen (project manager), dlgawley a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak; gxshen arpepper were declared not necessary at this point (arpepper would have been, but he had emergencies to deal with).
- will be invited next time: Clayton, for discussion of yubi key setup.
Review of Objective, etc:
- Dave notes that we can buy one cluster in FY 2015-2016; 2nd cluster in 2016-2017, so we will start with the CS-GENERAL cluster. The TEACHING cluster will be purchased in the new FY and possibly deployed in the summer (much more rapidly).
- The planning document was scaled back to match.
Already under work:
- high-speed dedicated storage network (Devon/Dan/Lori)
Dave expects cluster deployment by the 3rd week of February: Work Breakdown Structure (Dave/Daniel) - draft is complete.
- PXE booting cluster
- create salt pillar to build and deploy 3 mysql nodes on hardware cluster (Anthony and Clayton)
- saltifying: mysql cluster backup (Anthony with Fraser)
To be determined:
- what is the current resource usage of the CS-GENERAL cluster?
- is the scope reasonable, according to what Clayton has already done with yubikey cluster?
- second meeting will involve Clayton.
Next meeting: 2pm Wed 27 January
-- DanielAllen - 2016-01-20