5 April 2005, meeting started 1535h ended 1600h

Present: Nancy Day, MikePatterson

Only a few items:

  1. Nancy can't actually see the details linked from here. (Hrm, and checking the link just now, it does nothing but SEGV for me. It was doing that occasionally for me yesterday, but it seems to be worse now.)
  2. Nancy would like her LCD to be tagged. Mike will tell Paul.
  3. Nancy wants me to set up printing to the Watform printer for her tablet bowen. It's usually docked and networked during regular business hours.
  4. Watform is way under hours. This might be a good time to rebuild jasper.
  5. empress and palliser should be set up as dual boot PCs - XP and some form of Linux. Nancy doesn't particularly care if it's Debian sarge or if we want to experiment with Ubuntu - just so long as they work. (ST#48066.)
  6. Nancy said she will update her web page information on lab pcs, and who has what.

-- MikePatterson - 05 Apr 2005

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