There isn't a simple direct way to alter the desktop colour of an Eon. There are several complicated steps which CSCF has scripted and then deliver to the terminal(s) using the Eon Management software on our management server. The ModEons Wiki page outlines our terminal setup procedure which includes setting the desktop colour.
In this document there is mentioned a 2do snapin module called install_all_cscf_eon_configs.2do. This module is essentially a shell script which runs several other subscripts. It does many little configuration tasks but it also installs a modified system.fvwm95rc file and a modified Xclients file. These CSCF modified files are normally maintained in the same directory as the install_all_cscf_eon_configs.2do module. If you are just interested in changing the desktop colour and not applying any CSCF specialized modifications then one should comment out all the other SCRIPT commands in install_all_cscf_eon_configs.2do that do not involve the system.fvwm95rc and Xclients files. You can then save this 2do module under a new name.
In the system.fvwm95rc file there are two lines which start...
*FvwmTaskBarPagerModuleDeskPager 0
Both are followed by a hex (RGB) value which CSCF has set to be #300000 in both cases. That value makes the CSCF Fetching Red for which our terminals are famous. If you wanted a nice deep ocean blue perhaps, may I suggest #000020. In any case, apply your new colour value to both lines in the system.fvwm95rc file.
Similarly there is a line in the CSCF modified Xclients file which reads as follows.
xsetroot -solid "#300000" -cursor_name top_left_arrow
Change the above hex value to one representing your new colour.
Then apply your new snapin to the terminal using the Eon Management softwre