This is a repository for useful information for programmers who are new to CSCF. Some information may be specific to co-op students but a goal is general applicability.
Welcome to CSCF. Here are some hints, tips, and guidelines.
First Day
After your supervisor hires you in Workday, you should be able to log on
and fill out any required forms as indicated.
Also, complete the following training modules:
Basic Setup
Microsoft Teams
- Log in to Microsoft Teams at
using your account.
- Let your supervisor know, and they can then request you're added to the CSCF team.
Lots of our documentation is stored in this twiki.
- Create a TWiki account with the display name in the format FirstnameLastname, and login username as your Watiam ID (without @
- If you're unable to edit CSCF pages (such as this one), ask your supervisor to grant your account access.
Request Tracker (RT)
- Log in to RT
with your Watiam login information (your userid should be without @
- You should be able to see CSCF tickets in the queue list. If not, ask your supervisor to grant you access.
- First review the RT Issue Solver documentation here
; we will follow up with an interactive interactive session / demo.
- The following setting changes are useful (in the top-right menu "Logged in as User -> Settings -> Preferences"). Change the following to "yes" from "Default (No)"
- Remember default queue
- Use autocomplete to find owners?
- WYSIWYG message composer
- Display plain-text attachments in fixed-width font
- Log in to GitLab
with your Watiam login (campus single sign-on, including @uwaterloo
- Click on your user icon and go to 'Settings'.
- In the left sidebar, click on 'SSH Keys' and follow the linked instructions on generating an SSH key (under 'Add an SSH key').
- On the same page, follow the instructions under 'Key' to add your public key. The key should then be visible at the bottom of the page.
- If you're working on odyssey, give your supervisor your public key so they can grant you access to the odyssey-test server.
git setup and campus security
- Most of our projects involve Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in some form or another, which is critical we keep private.
- examples: client names, emails, student and staff ID numbers.
- Best practice is not storing PII locally at all, and using fake data where possible. If this isn't possible, you have a duty to keep the PII private.
- If you receive a .sql file with data to import, and it isn't part of a git repo, there is probably a good reason for it staying out of git.
- Similarly for config files containing secrets such as passwords.
- You must ensure that PII and secrets are not checked into a git repo and pushed to
- Best practice is deleting the .sql once it's been loaded. If you need to store it, keep .sql containing PII out of any directory kept in a git repo
- If the PII needs to go within a directory that is checked in to git, you must add it to .gitignore
- every time you
git add
, confirm that you're avoiding PII data
- If you add PII to a git repo, or you discover PII or other secrets in a git repo, let your manager know.
- the remedy will probably involve replacing the repo with a copy that does not include that commit; or if it's secrets such as passwords, changing them where ever they are used.
- And if there is any chance PII has been downloaded outside our control, we have to have conversations with the campus privacy office
SCS "CS-General" account
- A linux account has been provided on
- This account shares file space with the main CS webservers, which serve webpages from
among other domains.
- The main CS webservers run on a separate cluster of machines running apache. If you need to install system software on the production webservers, speak to your manager for details.
Connecting to the SCS VPN allows you access to campus resources as if you were on the CS network. It is necessary if you are working from off-campus or from eduroam wifi.
- Setup instructions can be found here:
- If you're working on odyssey, and if your SSH connection request or browser connection to is timing out, check that you're connected to the VPN.
authman public key management
- once you have CS VPN working, and you have a SSH public key generated for your userid, you can upload it to
, which will allow us to grant you access to various linux servers or accounts.
- Follow the instructions on that page to upload your public key
- read-access to the key will be available at the URL
What is MVC?
- A few good posts referencing what MVC is and how it should be structured.
Other training
- We've collected training materials for Linux and related topics that you may want to review.
- Some of the code bases we are working on are complex. Your supervisor will be happy to give you a "code tour", after you've had a chance to take a look. If he forgets to suggest it, please feel free to ask!
- Ask your supervisor for an informal introduction to FAST
(Faculty & Accademic-Support Software Team) - "a community of practice for staff developers and dev-ops experts at the University of Waterloo. The group exists to help teams of all size develop/maintain better software by increasing cross-departmental communication and trust while sharing best practices and experiences."
VS Code
VS Code
. Add these extensions:
- Remote Development Extension Pack (includes 3 extensions)
- Git Extension Pack (includes 5 extensions)
And add whatever language-specific extensions it asks you about.
SSH and Virtual Machines
If you're going to be developing remotely, you will need to select
Remote-SSH: Connect to Host... from the VS code command palette (f1 or ctrl+shift+P).
Then, you will need to input something along the lines of
The hostname can be the IP address of the VM, and the user will be the name of the user you're using on the VM.
For example, if you are working on the Standardized Admin Tools (SAT), the VM's IP address (at the time of writing) is
and the user is vagrant
. So, you would type vagrant@
and VS code will ssh into the VM.
If you've set up a VM in Virtuabox with networking via NAT (simple default), with a port forward from SSH on the virtual machine, the VM's hostname is localhost
(IP address
) additionally specifying a forwarded port, which will require additional configuration.
You should verify that you can ssh into the VM before you try to connect in VS code. You can do this by running ssh user@hostname
from a terminal, replacing user
and hostname
with the appropriate info as explained previously. Specify a forwarded port with '=ssh -p nnnn user@hostname='
If the VM doesn't let you connect, make sure you've added your public ssh key (from your local machine) to the VM.
See this documentation
for more details.
Additional notes:
- If an authorized_keys file is not automatically generated when a key pair is created, you must create your own to be able to add your local machines public key. To do so, follow these steps.
inside your .ssh directory :
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
echo "insert_public_key_here">> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- For remote debugging in VSCode, you must customize the launch.json file for first time use. In this file, set your port numbers correctly. If you are having trouble with this, ask your supervisor as to what a correctly configured launch.json file should include.
Mac Environment Setup
You'll need a package manager. We recommend Homebrew
. Follow the instructions on their site for installing into your user directory:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
To install third-party libraries easily, install pip
by running the following command:
curl | python
Depending on the projects you'll be working on, you may be installing a Linux virtual machine, which means you'll proceed as directed by your manager (probably under "PHP" or "Python" below).
Linux Setup
Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) should be mostly "good to go." However, for video services, we need to install ffmpeg packages.
$ sudo -s
[sudo] password for (user):
root@RSG-PC280:~# apt-get install ffmpeg
[ many packages are displayed]
After this operation, 179 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
[say 'y']
apt-get install openssh-server
- You should set up a firewall. A simple option is 'ufw'.
Commands you should run below come after the '$' character, and is bold. The command output, not bold, should match as below. Any differences should be confirmed with your manager, as they might open connections from the wider internet.
The commands set up a default deny (DROP) firewall for incoming connections, with all outbound connections allowed with state tracking. It adds SSH connections from the wired campus public network and private network including linux.cscf, and web access to both HTTP and HTTPS from the three campus networks (public and three private).
$ sudo ufw default deny incoming
$ sudo ufw default allow outgoing
$ sudo ufw allow from to any port ssh
$ sudo ufw allow from to any port ssh
$ sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 80,443
$ sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 80,443
$ sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 80,443
$ sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 80,443
$ sudo ufw logging on
$ sudo ufw enable
Command may disrupt existing ssh connections. Proceed with operation (y|n)? y
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup
$ sudo ufw status verbose
Status: active
Logging: on (low)
Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed)
New profiles: skip
To Action From
-- ------ ----
80,443/tcp ALLOW IN
80,443/tcp ALLOW IN
80,443/tcp ALLOW IN
The rest of the Linux setup is broken into whether you're going to be principally working on PHP or python applications.
detailed notes about setting up Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, PHPMyAdmin, and a developer environment complete with debugging tools.
If you're working on the Odyssey web application, see OdysseyCoopGuide .
If you're working on the Standardized Administration Tool (SAT), you'll be installing a virtual machine from instructions starting with the co-op guide at
For other python dev, the following ubuntu packages will be a good start for developing in Python.
- Install git, psql, mysql, python3-pip, phpmyadmin, phppgadmin, pyscopg2, python3-memcache
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git postgresql phppgadmin mysql-server phpmyadmin python3-pip python3-psycopg2 python3-memcache
- You will receive prompts to setup mysql root user and phpmyadmin server type (apache2) and admin user
- Install python modules django 1.6, tastypie, south, requests, yaml, prettyTable, numpy
sudo pip install django==1.6 django-tastypie south pyyaml prettyTable numpy
cd django-cas && sudo python install
git clone
cd requests-sslv3 && sudo python install
TODO list / requests:
- explanation/guide how to set up pages to be viewable to others--very useful knowledge to be able to show clients the current progress of the software.
- Very brief section describing the network (i.e. what has access to the outside world, doesn't need to be detailed, but is helpful)
DanielAllen - 2015-01-30