The following tools are currently used by Google to manage over 64,000 Apple devices with less than a dozen people. They mentioned to avoid sourceforge (because it is full of malware) and to use github instead.

git - free and open source distributed version control system

A collection of Python utilities for Mac OS X system administration

an open-source service monitoring system and time series database

Utilities, tools, and scripts for managing and tracking a fleet of Macintoshes in a corporate environment or this site

  • can_haz_image - automation tool for creating images
  • crankd - extras crankd to log application usage
  • deprecation_notifier - a nagging utility intended to provoke users into doing major OS upgrades
  • factor - a simple fact for tracking application usage
  • gmacpyutil - python modules with useful methods for managing and controlling Macintosh computers
  • macdestroyer - a package that attempts to render the target machine unbeatable
  • planb - a host remediation program for managed Macs. Securely downloads disk images from your server and installs contained packages
  • run_it - a utility to measure the system impact of a process
  • simian - is an enterprise-class Mac OS X software deployment solution
  • Munki - is a set of package management tools
  • Munki-in-a-box - a quick and fill repository for Munki with AutoPKG
  • santa - is a binary whitelisting/blacklisting solution for Mac OS X - monitors execution and notifies user that a binary is blocked
  • cauliflower vest - is an end-to-end solution for automatically enabling and escrowing keys for FileVault2
  • pymacadmin - is another collection of python utilities for Mac OS X

coming soon:

  • installer - netboot in obj-c
  • macrestore - allows any mac to restore any other mac

-- EdwardChrzanowski - 2015-07-22

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Topic revision: r1 - 2015-07-22 - EdwardChrzanowski
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