
Admins: nfish, fhgunn

https://jupyterhub.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca:8000 is a production service implementing a Jupyter Hub for undergraduate courses, currently CS431/631. Jupyter Hub allows students to write Python code in interactive workbooks and run them. A previous version existed, but had reliability issues. A production-quality service was requested by kmsalem as a term goal for W2019 and set up in https://rt.uwaterloo.ca/Ticket/Display.html?id=930785 .

Integration with the datasci.cs.uwaterloo.ca Spark cluster was also requested, but has not yet been delivered.

jupyterhub.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca is served by dc-3558-jupyter-1804.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca, which is an Ubuntu 18.04 LXC container. It is a minion of salt-204.cscf.uwaterloo.ca, and its jupyterhub-specific configuration is in the state jupyter: https://git.uwaterloo.ca/salt_cs/salt_states/tree/master/jupyter

The jupyterhub daemon is started by systemd.


  • Renewing SSL/TLS cert
    • Salt-managed ssl certs are generated in root@salt-204:/root/ssl/
    • Then copied into root@salt-204:/srv/saltstack/pillar/file_tree/hosts/dc-3558-jupyter-1804.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/ssl to be applied


  • Can you log in with CS-TEACHING credentials?

  • Does your CS-TEACHING homedir show up?

  • Can you create a workbook, enter 1+1, and run the code?


  • Getting logs:
    • systemctl status jupyterhub
    • journalctl --unit jupyterhub

  • Dependencies:
    • m3-3101-fs-004.cs.uwaterloo.ca:/nethome/cs-quota on /org/cs type nfs

-- NathanFish - 2019-01-16

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Topic revision: r3 - 2019-01-17 - NathanFish
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