Pre-release, 28 Apr 2005

  1. Beat the install into shape
  2. Implement automatic updates
  3. Refine the ugly firewall rules we used in DebianInCS
  4. Figure out how to best image this thing

28, 29 Apr 2005, v1.0a (0.9.1 image)

Did a default install. Solicited input from a small group of grad students as to what sort of applications they'd like to see. See LinuxStandardFeatures. I stupidly did not note which extra packages needed to be installed.

Copy /etc/apt/sources.list from williams.cscf. Succinctly, use ubuntu-mirror.cscf and add the universe and multiverse sources.

Modify /etc/defaults/ntpdate to sync against

It seemed to think my 21" CRT wanted to be run at 640x480 or some such - maybe being on a KVM tricked it. Anyway, run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and tell it to run at 1280x1024 @ 60Hz - like our 19" LCDs. Tell it it's an i810 card, autodetect video RAM, use kernel framebuffer. It still only starts at 640x480. I'll have to get an LCD on which to run this part.

05 October 2005, (0.9.2 image)

Refreshed the image with security updates, added smbfs package.

17 October 2005 (0.9.5 image)

Reformat the gradpc image and start again with 5.10 "Breezy Badger". Do a base install, create "cscf-adm" user (hey, it let me use the hyphen), install GRUB.

29 November 2005 (0.9.5 "release")

Tested & works on current P4P800-VM hardware.

31 January 2006 (0.9.6 "release")

Tested & works on both previous P4P800-VM and new i945-chipped Asus boards (SATA only).

Refreshed with security updates, fixed error introduced previously in menu.lst for GRUB - "savedefault" vs "saved" for booting previously-booted OS. Fixed error in /etc/hosts where the williams.cscf hostname snuck into entry for

13 April 2006 (0.9.8 "release")

Likely to be the final release for Ubuntu 5.10, with 06.06 due out in June. Add custom module for e1000 that ought to work on all versions of the P5LD2-VM motherboard. (Alternative was to use a backported 2.6.15 kernel, but it updated a bunch of other packages too - eww.) Tried, unsuccessfully, to change the kubuntu boot screen back to the regular ubuntu boot screen. Changed NTP servers to on-campus ones - this may break those who truck their machines off-campus. Maybe Waterloo should consider making our NTP servers accessible off-campus. But tell router vendors in advance that using it for their own nefarious and cheap purposes will cause much bad karma and also cause us to recommend "any product but yours". (#end rant)

09-10 May 2006 (0.9.9b testing release)

Due to increasing issues with network drivers, I'm trying 6.06 on this version. The 0.9.9b image works well enough, but it's got some rough edges. The NIC comes up as eth1 (DanielAllen has a fix for that) and /etc/hosts needs to be fixed up, as well as /etc/hostname.

29 May 2006 (

That previous seemed to work mostly ok, so another dist-upgrade on it (543 packages!) and I've pre-installed Flash plugin for Firefox as a system. Should probably think about Java as well. Installed a bunch more applications missing from LinuxStandardFeatures.

15 June 2006 (1.0 alpha)

This will be 1.0 - based on Ubuntu 6.06, likely, once it's stable. It orta be stable enough to be considered release, but I'm paranoid.

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