Inventory Development Log

Suggested IDE Setup

See here for a suggested IDE and debug setup.

Ideas for Improvement

  • Include a saved history for searches. I.e. use the cache to store searches locally so saved searches can be repeated and/or edited easily.
  • Use 2 checkboxes instead of radio buttons. Will need to use javascript and jQuery to ensure that one is selected at all times (could use a check before sending).

Adding New JS Plugins And CSS Files

  • To add new JS and CSS include files simple add them to the related directory in the inventory directory. I.e. To add new JS files, add them to the folder /<source>/web/inventory/js/ and for css: /<source>/web/inventory/css/.
  • If a JS or CSS file should be included in a specific order, add it to the array jsInclFirst or cssInclFirst in /<source>/web/inventory/protected/views/layouts/main.php. The files listed at the beginning of the array will be loaded first.

Current ST Branches

Wish List

-- ChrisGravel - 2015-01-19
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Topic revision: r10 - 2015-04-15 - ChrisGravel
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