As part of the CSCF overall evergreening process ...
From: Edward Chrzanowski <> To: Trevor Grove <> CC: David Gawley <>, "" <>, Lawrence E Folland <> Subject: MikeP, lab machines, security, chairs, scheduling, et al. Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 12:47:46 -0400 [ ... ] I put in an RT to pat Kaldwell to engage the electronic locks on the doors for MC3003, MC3005, and MC3027. MC3003 - new machines and renovations MC3027 - machine swap and machine surplussing MC3005 - on behalf of Phil - next Thursday we be receiving new chairs in the lab Dan does not want to install security tabs on the new machines in MC3003. It will cost $5.00 for each new tab plus 15 minutes of a persons time to install. For the time being we will be relying on the security plates until the school/management decides on the best course of action for security in the rooms. Procedure for the next 2 weeks. 1.) MC3027 machines will be zeroed in place, security tabs removed, and then surplussed. Other people can also work in MC3003 2.) MC3003 machines will have to be removed and stored in the back of the room until the machines in MC3027 are zeroed and 30 machines can replace them. If time allows, we can also zero the drives on the machines in MC2062 (wiring closet) since they are of an older vintage (1 year older than MC3027). The 30 machines from MC3003 that are not being surplussed can then be moved into MC2062 wiring closet for storage or MC3026) where there is room. 3.) new machines installed in MC3003 and possibly wiring trays on tables (similar to MC3005). We might not install the new machines until Dan finishes wiring. 4.) install 30 machines from MC3003 into MC3027, reattach security, and the HP switch will need to have the ports unlocked (different mac addresses) and then locked again - or should they be unlocked before we zero the machines (the switches in MC3003?). 5.) corral the worst chairs in MC3005 and MC3027 for tossing out and install new chairs. 6.) reimaging of the new machines should start April 23rd. (the apple servers will have to be updated with patches and new deploystudio) 7.) we can open up MC3005 as soon as the new chairs are installed (if necessary). If time allows we will install the new image on the other lab machines. some notes: - we will have to reuse 64 ip addresses from 129.97.51 network for the new machines in MC3003 - I would like to reimage all the macs at the end of August with an updated image (security patches, macports etc.). - we will stick with the unicast monolithic model of image distribution for MC3003. ED C