Research Directory: Adding New Faculty

Note that the following instructions are not currently useful (as of January 2013). Currently, peoples' profile pages are edited by staff, in the WCMS; talk to Anna Beard or Sher Diciccio for the latest details.

The following instructions will become useful when Jim Johnston finishes updates so math drupal is using the Ofis module.

OFIS updates to faculty profiles

The research directory ( and Faculty Profile pages ( are currently generated via end-user-editable web forms in OFIS (

Adding new faculty requires:

  1. OFIS access as an administrator
  2. Faculty member's WatIAM record is propagated, and OFIS WatIAM data has been updated.
  3. Faculty member is added to list of CS faculty
  4. Initial data is added via OFIS
  5. Photo is taken and put onto www.cs
  6. Biographical data is edited by professor.

These are described more fully below.

OFIS access

  • Daniel Allen in CSCF or Marlon Griffith (m3griffi) or Ray White (ray) in Engineering Computing can add new administrative users, and/or answer OFIS-specific questions you might have.

WatIAM update

  1. WatIAM must have useful information for the faculty member, as a starting-point. You'll need the faculty member's full name and userid.
  2. Ideally, the WatIAM update will happen before OFIS has batch-updated its records (happens three times a year: early in August, December, and April)
    • Marlon Griffith (m3griffi) in Engineering Computing does the update. If there are problems, and Daniel isn't available, he's the best contact.
    • If the faculty member is NOT caught in the update, you will need to add the record manually. This is done in phpmyadmin ( by adding a row to the Faculty_member table (note, not the faculty_member table). Find another recent CS faculty member to copy from (eg., user_id 6194). For empl_id, use the HR ID identified by the command-line user_info command.

When this row is added, proceed to the next step.

List of CS faculty

  1. Navigate to , authenticate, and fill in their WatIAM ID for the faculty member in the top text field.
  2. The next step depends on whether they already have a record on this page.
    • If they have a record, choose "Action -> edit (pencil)". Change their Group from "Faculty" to "School of Computer Science" and select save.
    • If they do not have a record, choose "Action -> New". Fill in all information and select save.

When this is complete, you will be able to "delegate" yourself to become the user.

Initial Data

Initial data may be added from an existing webpage.

Photo is taken and put onto www.cs

The faculty member can supply a head-shot photo (portrait format, zoomed on head and shoulders, as high-resolution as practical) or the photo can be taken by Graphics Services. Sample instructions for faculty member:

We have photos taken by Graphics Services on campus- your admin coordinator should have a form which you bring to Graphics Services and they take a photo, which they email back to you.

If you (or they) email me the resulting photo, I can process it to get it included in your profile.

cs-webmaster@cs (or Isaac or Daniel) know how to process these; or instructions for processing the photo is located at: (where lfolland says to use a host other than www.cs to do the processing, I have used services112.cs. The host needs to have the ImageMagick command-line tools including 'convert'.)

Biographical data is edited by professor

The faculty member is responsible for profile additions and edits. The following instructions for new faculty are available for pasting into an email: new-faculty-instructions.rtf

-- DanielAllen - 16 Aug 2011

See Also

  • ResearchDirectoryUpdate - useful reminders for faculty wanting to edit their profiles themselves. These instructions were sent to faculty for the 2011 Research Book publication; starting data was imported from their 2008 profiles.
  • CSCFandOFIS - parent page; collections of background information.
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filertf new-faculty-instructions.rtf r1 manage 6.2 K 2011-09-14 - 15:20 DanielAllen new faculty instructions (RTF format, for pasting into an email)
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